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damrok4321: This masterpiece presents the history of my country :P
"Rejtan Upadek Polski" maded in 1866r. by Jan Matejko
Yup im frop Poland and i am pleased that prequel readers are interested in the history of my people :)

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Adroma: As a professional historian I'd have to say this is 100% historically accurate and should be placed in history textbooks all over the world.
I don't know anything about what this actually is.

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Geravind: Excellent remake.
That wood elf jerk is gonna pickpoket something.
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BadReligion: @damrok4321: I can clearly take this as disregard/offend to you country's history, what suppose that edit mean?
Nice short animated video about Poland's history.
And this European Union flag in the end, my lord... (now Adolf Hitler see it from "above" and thinks "It was so eazy...")

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Tahrey: This is cool and all, but why is QW gettin' nekkid in front of all those people?

Also presumably it's from her perspective...

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damrok4321: @BadReligion: I wouldn't take this seriously, becouse it's just a joke i think. And about this animation? THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME! I realy shed a tear when i saw this :)

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notabigthreat: The painting is a masterpiece indeed.
While from Poland, I don't feel any offended myself.
Quill's trying to prevent Katia and Dmitri from going off–screen, that's the point.

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Tahrey: ...animation?

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notabigthreat: or, "short animated video"

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Tahrey: Oh, you mean the Polish History thing. Right.