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Filthypaladin: I felt that alterations to her new costume were necessary, incorporating designs better demonstrating her upbringing in Hammerfell.

Except for the background... that was just for fun.

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Sanded: @Filthypaladin: For a moment I thought a bunch of your stuff had been deleted from the booru. Then I realized you had just tagged it as "Filthypally" rather than "Filthypaladin".

[inconspicuouscough]That's the name your stuff is tagged under on that other site, not here[/inconspicuouscough]

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OppoQuinn: This is pretty hilarious as well as cute.

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Sanded: @Filthypaladin: I probably should have also mentioned that you need to add "artist:" to the beginning of any artist tag yourself. I went ahead and fixed it and added a few more relevant tags.

Fantastic work as always btw.

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Filthypaladin: @Sanded ty friend

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Geravind: She looks cool, yet unusual.

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Tahrey: This is possibly the best drawn piece of thoughtless bigotry I've seen all week...

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Nyflex: Can't resist her swagness.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: This is pretty silly, and cute! I like.

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MikeyTheFox: It's Rap Cat!

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Vidiotdragon: What's up my Jiita?

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Kazerad: @Vidiotdragon: oh my god a human can't just say that to a khajiit.

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Adroma: The comments on this are hilarious, cute art.

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Makkon: This is great. Very well drawn, and I love the cloak colors applied to hip clothing.

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Vidiotdragon: @Kazerad: Nah man its cool. I have lots of kahjiit friends.

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Tahrey: Ah shit, I only just realised it was COGT colours :D

I think Adidas have actually made things in that palette.