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Dominik: Original had more pictures but i had to erased some of them. File was too big. I know that also some pictures looks different but i was dumb enough to not make them in chronological way. Despite it, hopefully it looks at least "fine" .

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Rick2tails: it looks adorable.I also assuming she is implying I the viewer could join and sure why not? I`d love to ^_^ (has commission idea for the future now)

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KuroNeko: Nice, you did well for you first animation, that tail wag flow well and looks cute.
Also when the bartender looked at the screen I expected him to ged afraid and run away screaming about hairless trolls.

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Kazerad: This was a cute fourth wall break.

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Dominik: @Rick2tails: she is implying, and i dont think that the viewer would have any choice (i dont think that anyone would say "no", especially to those eyes

@KuroNeko: Thanks, but i should thank you too. You helped me by giving this tip. Now i can make my own animations from drawnings. Thanks again! And the bartender couldn't escape. Otherwise, how would you play volleyball together

@Kazerad: Thank you. I am glad you like it . It was too good opportunity for that break to just let go

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Rick2tails: I totally want to play.."volleyball" with those 2 !