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KuroNeko: So this is about a little story I'm making and thatI might end up drawing.
It takes place after Katia fail to retrieve the amulet of kings from the shrine of Dagon, Katia feels really depressed to have failled her mission and feels like she have let down all Tamriel ; this is when she meets a nice argonian lady who's wearing some exotic clothes and weapons and is traveling to Akavir. The argonian is friendly and cheers Katia up but she also seems a bit weird and makes disturbing comments about the world being a dream and heart inside volcanoes, she pass it off as jokes but Katia is a bit disturbed. She also carrying a bag containing dwemer items: a gauntlet a dagger and a hammer, when asked about it, she remain evasive but says that sometimes things are better left in the past and be forgotten and that she going to destroy them.
When they part ways, Katia determination is renewed and she go back to bruma to report to Jaufre.

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MinnoSimmins: Ooh, I love the design of that armor. Is it based off one of the armor types in Morrowind? Also, nice detail with the Moon-and-Star ring.

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KuroNeko: @MinnoSimmins: Yes it is, I took slight liberties with the design but she is wearing orcish armor and bracers, indoril pauldrons and an expensive skirt (and a mara's blouse but it can't really be seen under the armor). she also wears a dreugh helmet in my game but I don't really like its look so I didn't draw it.

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Dominik: @KuroNeko: The story sounds cool, picture looks nice. Keep it up and goodluck with this story!

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PermanentFace: I like this very much.

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KuroNeko: @Dominik: Thank you

@PermanentFace: glad you like it

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Sashimi: Great pics, Kuro! I hope we get to see the complete story.

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KuroNeko: @Sashimi: Thank you, I really want to draw it but comics aren't my strong point so I hope I'll be able to pull it off.
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Killyellowcatnow: To me this is canon