Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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Uploader KuroNeko,
Tags animation artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan Eyetia Khajiit monochrome surreal
Source Unknown
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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: In fairness though, it's well made, weird shit.

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Dominik: Katia got possesed by daedric forces o_0

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OgTariq: wait Eyetia is a tag?

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semiafro007: She’s the pale man from Pan’s labyrinth, but with two eyes more

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PermanentFace: She's an ash zombie you idiots.

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Porter: i didn't know i got high today

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Un_Mapache: This sure is a weird fetish, but hey, I'm not judging anyone.
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awuwwuw: It's kinda hot.

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Miki: Absolute cute!!! Wanna take it home!
If you call me a weird I punch you!
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Urglenurf__: @PermanentFace Definitely an Ash Zombie at the start but Corpus carriers get more tentacly than the final form in the GIF Prob artistic license.

The daedric reads "I can see you" if anyone is interested.
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Urglenurf__: Actually I remember the hand eyes in concept art for Star Wound enemies. Their faces were gaping holes though.

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Zargothrax: SHE'S BACK!

Btw. I was thinking about bringing back Eyetia for a while now, but you beat me to it. I'm not mad though, your implementation looks better than mine would've .

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KuroNeko: @AMKitsune: Hehe, thanks.

@Dominik: Nah, just some eldritch horror from beyond space and time, nothing to worry about.

@OgTariq: Yup, there's a lot of weird stuff in the depths of the booru.

@PermanentFace: @Urglenurf__: Nope just eyetia but I understand how the shadow over her eyes could look like the hollow face of an ash zombie. In fact, I considered making Katia turn into an ascended sleeper at some point but I thought the tentacles would be too hard to animate and stuck with Eyetia.

@Zargothrax: Well you can still do yours, the more weird stuff, the better.

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: hot

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Caps: Really cool animation.
It took me by surprise because I was not expecting something like this here.
Now, imagine the nightmare she would have to go if she needed eyeglasses for all those eyes in weird places.

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Caps: Also, what are those scribbles that appears in the corner when she opens her mouth.
Is it just scribbles?

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KuroNeko: @Caps: It's daedric for "I can see you"

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Caps: Awesome animation. ; )
You made her strangely kinda cute. ; P