Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.


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Uploader KuroNeko,
Tags adorable artist:KuroNeko character:Little_Katia character:Little_Quill-Weave Hist kittens
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KuroNeko: Here's some cuteness to heal your eyes.

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Dominik: This is adorable

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OgTariq: COOT

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semiafro007: the miracle of birth

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Rick2tails: prequel babies they make their dreams come true !

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bluedraggy: Little-know fact: Argonians wear their eggshells as a little beanie cap until their nameday. (Well-known fact: bluedraggy has been known to make up little-known facts a lot.) Well maybe they don't, but they should!
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Streetwind: This, right here? This is proof that we need a "Prequel Babies" spinoff series.

Featuring: Toddler Katia, Egshell Quill(Dodger?), Mischievous Kitten Twins Ra'jirra and S'thengir, Tiny Aggy (inexplicably still a ghost), Novice Plushiemancer Dimitri and his weird older sister Nah from next door, Gharug Not-Gro-Upp-Yet the playground bully, a child-proofed Sworddog, and of curse Exasperated Single Dad Gaius. He must make ends meet for his haunted (by Aggy) houseful of kittens plus one random lizard (how did he even get them?) by working an unfulfilling office job under Corporate Boss Nightmare King. He is also being hit on by Scary Aunt Sigrid, who hates children and must be prevented from inserting herself into the family at all costs.

All watched over by Nanny Asotil, in the frilliest of dresses. Still with a metal helmet though. STOP RIGHT THERE ADORABLOE SCUM!, he shouts as he catches the little ones hatching a plot to once more drive off Sigrid...