Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable".


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Zargothrax: I'm not proud of what I've created today.

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Zargothrax: 3rd panel ended up a bit more disturbing than I imagined it, marking as questionable, just in case.

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PermanentFace: It's good to see Eyetia making a comeback.

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Rick2tails: yes guard, that post right over there *points*

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DirtyBlue929: Oh, I didn't know Katia was related to the brilliant Dr. Eye

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AMKitsune: And here I thought the dark times were behind us...

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damrok4321: how to unsee it?

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semiafro007: he choosed dead

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AMKitsune: @damrok4321: You see the back button near the top left of your web browser? It's like that, but in your mind.

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KuroNeko: That face splitting is horrifying, as it should be, great work.
Aslo Gaius face in the last panel kind of remind me of this

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Zargothrax: @damrok4321: You can unsee it, but Eyetia will never unsee you. She will always keep an eye on you.

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APayne1776: Bruh

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Thanks!
This may not be my finest work, but I'd say his expression on the last panel came out pretty well. And sorry I'm not familiar with this reference, where is it from?

Anyway I think it's time for all of us to slowly forget about Eyetia again for 2-3 years. (Then bring her up again to scare the shit out of every by-then newcomer!)

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OgTariq: well... thatst uhhh... nice?

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AppleShrapnel: Is it possible to learn this power? I would like to be her... pupil o3o

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Actually I don't really know, it looks like a cropped panel from some comic. I see it often used as a reaction image.
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xzar: And now... imagine her with glasses...

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bluedraggy: Would that be "glass"? A nice planter's peanuts monocle maybe?

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Zargothrax: @xzar: How could she even wear glasses? She doesn't have ears.

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NotGodOkay: But Gaius. You are the guards.