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Rick2tails: oh its our chance to meet our waifus for real! ^_~ but seriously ladies get out of the road
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Lurci: Can't wait for these two to look at their art on various Furry sites and "Prequel Booru".

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KuroNeko: I had a dream like that once, I just hope things will go better for them in this story...
I like how you change the artstyle with each new page, I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Zargothrax: In it's own cartoony way, this comic looks really professional. If you are the artist, tag yourself, so that people here may now you're a badass (artist:semiafro007).

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semiafro007: @Zargothrax, you´re right, I´ll do that, but how can I add more tags to something that´s already uploaded?

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AMKitsune: @semiafro007: See the long 'edit' button beneath the picture? That'll let you edit the tags and source field (if the picture originally came from another website)

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semiafro007: @ AMKitsune, thanks

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damrok4321: this is awesome!

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semiafro007: KuroNeko, how did that dream end?

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KuroNeko: @semiafro007: With a group of people getting Katia to drink and taking her with them, Quill desperatly begs her to not go but she don't listen. She then spend the night looking for Katia with no avail only to finally find her in the morning, in a back alley, naked, covered in various fluids and dying from alcohol poisoning.
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bjornhansenthemansen: very interesting. i do look forward to future episodes. hijinks in modern times. inner city run-ins with violent gangs.

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Gren: Fucking dwemers doing their shit again.

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Dominik: Ok, i wasn't expecting this. Wonder what will happen next. Keep it up!
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DirtyBlue929: Kaz just gave this comic series a shoutout on the official twitter so now you are required by law to finish it, I'm sorry I don't make the rules

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semiafro007: Don't worry DirtyBlue929, I'll finish it