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Kibermozgai: Yet another submission for provocative ai art controversial topic

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Rick2tails: I would say ai art should be highly limited.we dont need stolen assest flooding the boro.having said that .."nice boobs"

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KuroNeko: I like how the AI also put boobs on the vase in the back.
But yeah, I hope it's going to become a new trend like the no effort "memes" and get flooded by AI art.

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VokaalitonTuhka: I feel like I've already seen this.

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Kibermozgai: @KuroNeko: Damn, I was sure that vase was wrapped in tapes, but now I just can't unsee this gorgeous chest, lol

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KuroNeko: @KuroNeko: shit I just noticed but I obviously meant "I hope it's NOT going to be a new trend"

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Zargothrax: Cute Katia.
But, I'm not a big fan of this new outlook on the booru. Still, I think I'd vote for waiting. I just don't think that a preemptive strike against AI art is justified, before even seeing whether it becomes a problem or not. And for those who just really don't want to see AI art here in the mean time, you can use the tag blacklist feature.
But again, as I said I'm not a fan of this direction, so what I just said before feels like playing the devil's advocate against myself.

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: When you said <i>no effort "memes"</i> I felt personally called out

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Zargothrax: And here I join you, Kuro in not being able to edit my comment. (I accidentally used html tags instead of bbcode tags for making the quoted part italic)
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GrizzlyBear: I haven’t noticed AI art being a problem here so far, unless this whole time mods have been holding back a flood of AI spam. Regardless I think AI art is bad for the booru and bad for the soul. I will say it makes a damn cute Katia, but it’s disturbing to be able to produce something like this on demand, and post it alongside human creations. It diminishes the accomplishments of the talented artists here as something now redundant and automated, but it’s not art if it’s not human. So I say keep it off the booru
(Credit to ChatGPT for writing this for me)

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: You shouldn't, your meme redraws are top quality, wouldn't be the same without them

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Zargothrax: @Zargothrax: I made a big mistake in stating my stance in that one. I said "I'd vote for waiting" but I meant something like "I think we should wait". Let me clarify what I meant:
I think there is no perfect rational, nor legal reason why AI should be banned from here before it is proven that it is problematic for the booru. That would be a typical case of "guilty before innocent". (Note: I'm talking strictly about AI on the booru, not overarching ethical concerns regarding whether AI art is in general good/bad or if it's theft or not)
I'd vote against what I think, because like others, I too don't like where this is going. I have concerns, especially with how it can affect the art community here (they are similar to what others already said).
It's worth noting that the booru is a community for artists and Prequel fans, not machines, or lawyers. As such, we need no flawless rational explanations nor infallible legal reasons to like/dislike something here. This is just the way humans are. In case it turns out that most people here don't like AI art being posted on the booru, that is in my opinion a good enough reason on it's own.