Submit images and feed on the tears of mortal cats.


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John_Medina: Now THIS is something I can do!

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samus17: I will make the best tribute for Kazerad!
See you all in about a week!

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Fralex: What if our cookies have a really convincing story baked into them? Do we win both contests? And then get murdered by disgruntled fellow contestants?

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Fralex: Follow-up question: Are we allowed to mail you a sample, so you can judge them by taste as well as aestheics? I mean, if / were judging a cookie contest, that's what I'd want.

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Kewot_Rokar: Wish I could bake.

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Adroma: I will bake you the best gingerbread Argonain cookies that Quill Weave will cry because eating them would be cannibalism.
Also, I could laugh over and over again at that memorial.

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Kazerad: @Fralex: If you can pack that much detail into a baked good, I think you earned the double-win.

As for your other question, no, you cannot send me the cookies. I don't handle gluten well, and also I know one person is already planning to make their cookies "argonian themed" in the sense that they are made from nothing but poisons. Like, of all the times to eat things strangers send you in the mail, a contest with this premise is probably the absolute worst.
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MetalC0Mmander: @Kazerad: That guy doing the poison cookies is going to kill himself baking the damm things am I right?

Also I wasn't aware there was a worst time for that sort of thing. Unless you mean all the time is the worst time.

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: Well I mean, you should really never be eating non-packaged things strangers send you in the mail. But when you know for a fact that one of the people sending them to you was planning to make cookies out of pure poison as their premise, I feel that stands out as a particularly bad time to eat things strangers send you in the mail.

I'll settle for pictures of the cookies, thank you very much. And if they taste particularly argonian and you want me to consider this as a judging factor, just like... let me know.

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Tahrey: ...ditto question on art contest page, as I have a pack of home bake cookie things I've been meaning to make for ages and everyone else has been bringing cake and cookie things into work this week :p

But of course I won't be able to make them until this evening.

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Tahrey: Other Q: If I was considering getting tapestry + both shirts + tote anyway, and by some extreme miracle happened to win (lol nope), could that be exchanged for complementary shipping (most likely lower value anyway) or something like that?