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lapma: Ok, so TwistNtwirl's work inspired me to try do something more realistic, i realy liked look of faces he made for khajiit's so i made something similar. I present to you thieves guild Katia.
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Vinarto: I like the blue on the armor.

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SlashSeven: You did it well. But tail and head have a different fluffyness. just why

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Rick2tails: she looks good in that outfit! :)

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XenoYparxi: ok, I think this is going nowhere... I understand that you're learning and "tracing" the things you like, but you're not going to learn without figuring stuff out and practising it on your own. maybe you should start doing something yours that you yourself own and taking drawing/stylistic cues from other pieces along the way? not just "traced" images with a few corrections

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Nicros_Man: Nice outfit! Reminds me of Dark Souls. Or is it Dark Souls?

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Zargothrax: @XenoYparxi: I’d say „"tracing" the things you like” is the way we develop our own style. Well, as long as we don’t actually trace, of course, just taking more inspiration from others than what then could be regarded later as „original”. I’d call it „mimicking”. Art styles rarely pop out of one’s head, it’s usually just a mixture of styles we liked and copied.

By the way, I think this comment would’ve been more impactful If you had written it under >>5782. Here, only the head is is mimicked. I wouldn't call it a "traced image".

I think the worst lapma could be accused of here is „art style theft”. And if someone starts stealing your style, in my opinion that’s the biggest compliment you could recieve as an artist (save for extreme cases where you make a living from your art and someone’s trying to steal your wind). Because it means that you inspired others. It’s the equivalent of others looking up to you and saying: „I want to be like you”.

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Zargothrax: There is wisdom in what XenoYparxi said though. There are ways you can impove faster. In my opinion, that is by learning and doing technical stuff. If you wan’t to go down that route I’d recommend reading the comments under >>5710.

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DOOMGUY11: Wtf now I'm just gonna applaud you because she is cute in this outfit