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Nicros_Man: Awww for me?! You're so nice, Katia! Thank you! You're so cute!

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DOOMGUY11: I love how messed up the present is XD

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Un_Mapache: This is lovely

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SlashSeven: She's dressed cute

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Rick2tails: Katia youre the real present!

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APayne1776: @Rick2tails: took the words right out of the my mouth
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SilentOrbweaver: Are we not even going to acknowledge the Filthypaladin's entry from a while ago?
I mean, I understand that this one is not a trace or anything of such sort, but it's very obviously based on a Filthypaladin's image, yet there is no mention of it whatsoever. Wouldn't they deserve a little bit of credit here? :/

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lapma: @SilentOrbweaver: Yea its my bad, i added knock_off but i forgot to add Filthypaladin tag.
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SilentOrbweaver: @lapma:
I'm not sure if adding Filthypaladin's artist tag is a right way of doing this. I mean, they didn't draw this particular image. Anybody who comes here without knowledge of the context might assume that Filthypaladin did coloring, or helped draw some particular part of the image. And also, now if you search "artist:Filthypaladin", it will show this image as well, which is, in my opinion, somewhat misleading, since they didn't make it. Personally, I find the way you handled redraws of images in the past to be the most appropriate in this situation (the first comment saying that this is a redraw and a link to the original).

But, of course, it just my personal opinion. You do whatever you think the best. (As long as mods are happy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)