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MinnoSimmins: "Get in, n'wah. We're breaking reality."

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KuroNeko: That's really cool.
I imagine this is what happens when you chim, Vivec come and pick you up in his dwarven corvette.

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MrCoopy: (Gordon Ramsay voice) Finally, some good fucking fanart
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Lurci: *Vivec's turn "What is Love" on*

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OgTariq: baby dont hurt me
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abrachoo: I'm not sure Katia would actually like hanging out with Vivec. Godhood is like super-royalty.

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PermanentFace: @abrachoo: Also Vivec is just kind of a dick in general.

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Jadezzar: @PermanentFace:

Well, when your sermons are very, "interesting", you've achieved CHIM, a God thanks to a "dead" God's heart, it's understandable. After all, he probably speared Indoril Nerevar Mora, with support from Seht and Ayem.

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PermanentFace: Murderer, thief, rapist, usurper. That's our Vehk!

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Kewot_Rokar: Chim