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Zargothrax: ...Then, from the Dark, they came,and found the Souls of Lords within the flame.
Nito, the first of the dead,
the Witch of Izalith, and her Daughters of Chaos,
Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight, and his faithful knights,
and the naked slutcat, so easily forgotten.

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KuroNeko: The perspective on this one seems a bit weird, it's mainly due to the fact that you conected the left side of her torso to the base of her tail, removing this line should fix the problem.
Also I'm not sure her left breast can be seen from this angle.
But otherwise it's pretty good, that's a cute fire kitty.

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AMKitsune: Following on from KuroNeko's comment, her torso feels a little long compared to her arms and legs. Also, her head kind of looks like it's angled in a different direction to what she's supposed to be looking at (her arms facing away from the viewer while her head faces slightly towards.)

hopefully this helps visualise my (and possibly KuroNeko's) observations.

That aside though, her arms, legs tail, expression and fire are all pretty much spot on. Keep it up!

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Rick2tails: nice effect with the fire in her hands, cute picture!

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damrok4321: thanks for advices, it helps a lot coz sometimes when I look at the same picture for a long time Im like getting used to errors which I already made and can't see what's wrong.

you won't believe that I actually started making it basing on this pose:

and then like got a different idea and mixed two poses in a one

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Cloud: @damrok4321: That other advice is cool and all, but I like this as it is. I like the idea and style. Keep doing you.

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Makkon: If you're open to feedback, Damrok, I can try putting together a redling/drawover. I generally don't offer feedback/criticisms unless someone asks for it.

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Makkon: I meant to say Redline, my bad

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Geravind: @Makkon: This One is eager for feedback! ...yet has to finish the damn picture first.
@damrok4321: Best way to recheck wether a pose is okay — just take it yourself IRL ...in a minute or two you'll know it's okayness.

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damrok4321: @Makkon: Oh sure! Any feedback is welcome, especially from the artist as good as you :D

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damrok4321: Also criticism, it's also welcome

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Not bearing in mine stylistic differences, the pose you went with can be pretty complex, when I have a side view like this I like to draw the shoulders and pelvis like cylinders. Try to keep a clear path for the spine, mind where things attach. Also will take time, but work on your proportions. Definitely take some time to draw some straight-on side and front views for practice (from reference, or a chart) and then some 3/4 views. Later, draw lots of poses. I like to use sites like these (warning, artistic nudity)
https://anatomy360.info/anatomy-scan-reference-dump/ 3d scans of people from lots of angles
https://www.quickposes.com/en you can set up timed drawing sessions, if you force yourself to go with about a minute or less you can learn to draw the most important things about a pose as a "gesture" and you'll train your hand how to draw these shapes and poses.

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Geravind: @damrok4321: The bigger issues, Khajiit noticed here, are next:
- head/neck/shoulders positioning (she doesn't look just cringed, she looks weird):
- eyes positioning inside the skull (you mischecked nose-occiput axis, and yes ...side view of an eye);
- tail length (straight khajiit tail reaches ground level).
Always use skeleton layer: crude lines of spine, shoulders, pelvis, arms, legs, tail. — It takes a damn minute ...yet helps a lot.

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Geravind: @Makkon: She's so cool ...even being robotic-modeled!

"balls and tubes"
Heh, "sticks and stones..." (c) JC Denton

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Zargothrax: @Makkon: This helped me quite a lot too.

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damrok4321: Thanks a lot guys, will try to follow the advices in future works