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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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OgTariq: she got u there

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Dominik: Katia just can't admit that she's a hero.

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semiafro007: I need a hero. I love that bird in the first bullet point

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PermanentFace: This comic needs its own Pool.

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PermanentFace: How do I do that.

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PermanentFace: Nevermind, I figured it out.

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KuroNeko: It's too late to change it now but I think Nare's reply in the second pannel would have been better as "It's even better than what I expected, you truly are a hero."

@semiafro007: Glad you like it, I was looking for a way to show that some time had passed while Katia was telling her story and I thought making a bird rest on her would be a cute way to do it.

@PermanentFace: @PermanentFace: Thank you for creating a pool for my comic, I forgot you could do that.

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: It's never too late to change it! Just report the image, include a link to a new version and a mod with too much time on their hands will replace the file for ya.

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KuroNeko: @AMKitsune: Thank you, I'll do that if I find a way to edit the text that looks good.