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Uploader TempIntel,
Tags artist:TempIntel braids character:Little_Katia sad
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Tabby_Catface: https://youtu.be/j_HC9qynVsE

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KuroNeko: That's cute but sad at the same time

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lapma: Poor thing cant find any playmates, and btw i remember hammerfell having a bit more sand.
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TempIntel: @lapma Little Katia can go play pretend in the sandbox XD.

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KuroNeko: @TempIntel: Katia is no allowed there anymore until she understand the difference between a sandbox and a litterbox.
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TempIntel: @KuroNeko LMAO, this is Katia's punishment for misusing the sandbox "Go sit on the swings and think about what you just did!"

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Rick2tails: cute picture but yall a bunch of speciesists to khajiit! XD

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Caps: Poor little katty. she is very lonely. : (