DAEDRIC FUN TIP: A higher power gifts you comment boxes, do not sully them with unnecessary linked images Image Uploader SomeDork, March 12, 2014; 01:01 Tags artist:SomeDork character:Katia_Managan eyepatch featured_masterpiece Kvatch_arena_armor monochrome painted_underwear text Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible March 12, 2014; 01:04 - Reply SomeDork: Katia's only consistant luck seems to only manifest in all clothes being made in her size. March 12, 2014; 04:22 - Reply stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: F'show March 21, 2014; 04:20 - Reply Kazerad: I am so, so tempted to put this in the Featured box. But then again, I think I said I was going to keep Young Khajiit there forever and I like to be consistent. Maybe I'll change my mind later. Either way, I love this. March 21, 2014; 18:04 - Reply tjk: "After I am done featuring holiday images I am going to make sure this stays in the fanart page's 'featured' box for like a billion years." If Katia can round up to the nearest week, you can round down to the nearest trillion years. (Not that I don't love that song! It's just that I love this too.) March 21, 2014; 21:20 - Reply Gren: @tjk: Oh my, that was so funny! lol March 23, 2014; 10:51 - Reply Gren: But three sizes bigger in front. "Fshuff fshuff" sounds like a heavy armor to my.
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If Katia can round up to the nearest week, you can round down to the nearest trillion years.
(Not that I don't love that song! It's just that I love this too.)
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"Fshuff fshuff" sounds like a heavy armor to my.