DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Think before you post. Not even Stendarr will forgive you. Image Uploader tronn, November 27, 2014; 04:19 Tags artist:LimeBreaker character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra horse_costume Khajiit monochrome sketch teamwork Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible November 27, 2014; 08:03 - Reply SomeDork: You can't fool me, there are no front legs, that's a minotaur suit. November 27, 2014; 09:41 - Reply Francix: @SomeDork: i don't if you were doing a sarcastic commentbut that is of tose suits for two people. the question is how they manage to put in eachother's suit? November 27, 2014; 11:06 - Reply Mediocre_Scrublord: Awkwardly. November 27, 2014; 19:12 - Reply SomeDork: @Francix, i only just realized what's wrong with what i said. Note to self, horses have 4 legs, not 6. November 28, 2014; 09:38 - Reply Mediocre_Scrublord: I, too, have always wondered how horse suits work.
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the question is how they manage to put in eachother's suit?
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