Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.


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FuzzyZergling: Looks like Katia's been working out :3

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Kazerad: I feel like this has to be marked Questionable, at least, if someone is making her less of a noodle.

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Zokva: I wonder what it says about me when I know the pic from where the bod and legs are taken from

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: P90x Sure Makes Results

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confettibin: This is my fault. I made the initial edit to make her legs fatter, as per the request of some anon, and then another anon who is better at editing than me made this. I'm so sorry.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: maybe it will resurface in a week in the form of nine hours of insanity, but with leg fetishes instead of shoulder fetishes.
prequel panel edits are dangerous things

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tronn: Prequel panel edits are the best things.

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catchTwentythree: Somebody applied a body mod.
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ZombiCat: the t h i c c e r z e r i z e r

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Caps: Now I see why people wanted her for their "rituals".

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Rick2tails: I love when one of these old old pictured bubbles up do to comments.

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Caps: @Ricktails you are welcome than. Sometimes I check some of the old stuff because there are some good drawings wich are forogtten by now.

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Sashimi: @Caps: Ye! Keep it up. It's nice to see the older stuff getting attention.