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191wjd: Sequel: Begin

Today is the Beginning of the NEW you.

A month ago you made yourself a promise, you’d stop fucking everything that moves in hopes of getting a night at a warm home. You’d stop drinking and move away to get far from your old life. You lived in Anvil and so had your family dating back 5 generations back to your great-great-great-great-grandmother, who had emigrated from Hammerfell and instantly made an honest living running errands for a writer and delivering mail and packages. Our whole family had followed this example and started a Postal Service which delivered to all of South-West Cyrodiil, that is until your mother died in that freak accident with her friend, and left the business up to you. You had fucked up the business worse than most people could hope to in 20 years, and you had done in a week. You did not want to think about that anymore. You were starting a new life today.

Today you had arrived in a foreign land, one you had only been told stories about as a young Khajiit. Today who could be whoever and whatever you wanted to be.

You decided that you had tainted your name and wanted something new. Something less Imperial, perhaps something that sounded a little more local, something Nordic.

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POMA: Let's make this story even more brutal. How about Urist McDwarf?

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Gren: Is this somehow related to this?: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1318#search=skyrim

Are you really gonna do this? I mean, this is serious or just a joke? If so then good for you! I dunno if you need permission from Kaz, though.

Now let's see... a name... a nordic one, huh?... uhm... my suggestion is "Elsa Lion-Heart".

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191wjd: [SERIOUS]

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191wjd: Also, I'm not great at photo manipulation or creation, but if you guys want I can draw corresponding scenes to the best of my abilities!

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Man_Of_Mer: That makes two of us.

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191wjd: @Man_Of_Mer: I see

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VashTheStampede: Hey, my silly post inspired fanart!