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Uploader SomeDork,
Tags artist:SomeDork character:Katia_Managan crossover fire_emblem magic magic_fire sketch
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Zokva: There seems to be a stiff breeze coming trought.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: a VERY stiff breeze

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yugijak: ...can someone post a cleaned up version of this? It looks incredible...but...so many lines mix together.

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POMA: Something like this? http://i.imgur.com/q96FtYR.png

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SomeDork: @POMA: I had one open I was going to post, but ended up falling asleep. And good thing, too. Yours is way nicer.

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CaptainLackwit: @POMA: Oooohhhh

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POMA: @CaptainLackwit: Oooohh means "shit"?

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CaptainLackwit: @POMA: What? No, I was ooh-ing as in, "Ooh, nice. That's good. This is a quality thing and a nice improvement. I find it favorable." I've always taken multiple Os as being impressed/finding something favorable. Multiple Hs as understanding, and capitalized both as OOOHHH SERVED.

Ooh, Ohh. OOHH. It's... Complicated.

But rest assured, it was positive.