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Uploader Mediocre_Scrublord,
Tags artist:Plague_of_Gripes beautiful character:Rajirra chiaroscuro Kvatch masser Secunda snow
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aedan122: beautiful
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Mr_Darkwraith: Shit plague, way to annihilate the ant that was my self-esteem with your incredible drawing. But that video you made on kitia got me into prequel in the first place so.. Thanks for bringing me here only to further my spiral into complete madness.. So close now...

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AMKitsune: @Mr_Darkwraith: This is what happens when a fantastic artist decends upon a small fandom. Everyone's making their nice little pictures and whatnot when all of a sudden, BAM. Someone comes along that comparativley blows everyone elses work out of the water. Hopefully, in time, I'd like to be as good as Plague. Untill then though, I'm happy enough being able to enjoy these wonderful pictures.
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TemporaryFace: There are some surprisingly excellent artists in the fandom, though Plague is almost certainly the most celebrated. Pseudonymous, Daolpu and Squiggles spring to mind. Unfortunately, I haven't seen these three active lately. :(

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POMA: ...Until then I can post some paintwork though.
http://i.imgur.com/iXPehCX.gif (before-after pics)