DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart. Image Uploader Itriedmanitried, February 27, 2015; 21:29 Tags accidents_happen character:Katia_Managan explosions fire_safety Kvatch_arena_armor magic_fire Tavia's_shop Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible February 27, 2015; 21:30 - Reply VashTheStampede: It happens. February 27, 2015; 21:30 - Reply PermanentFace: BOOM! Tagged less than a minute after it goes up. Do I have too much free time? Probably. Am I an admin yet? Apparently fucking not. February 27, 2015; 21:31 - Reply VashTheStampede: Why would anybody want to be an admin? February 27, 2015; 21:32 - Reply PermanentFace: @VashTheStampede: I crave power. February 27, 2015; 21:35 - Reply 191wjd: STOP IT! NO, NOT AGAIN WITH THE BIPPITY BOPPITY FIRE. February 27, 2015; 21:47 - Reply Itriedmanitried: well it's a little bigger than I expected it to be...sorry about that. February 27, 2015; 21:51 - Reply Unidentified_BA: @PermanentFace: Don't worry, once I die, a new admin shall be crowned. February 27, 2015; 21:54 - Reply POMA: Grape got admin state already. Have you quickloaded? February 27, 2015; 22:31 - Reply Unidentified_BA: @POMA: I vouched for grape, so I guess that is also one way to have it done. Don't worry, there is almost no benefit to being an admin, except for the hella cool parties. February 27, 2015; 23:01 - Reply Mediocre_Scrublord: You get to chill out in the admin lounge and drink champagne and get lap dances. February 27, 2015; 23:35 - Reply MetalC0Mmander: Lap dances may be dances performed with you lap. By angry people with axes. February 28, 2015; 01:14 - Reply CaptainLackwit: What isn't being mentioned here is that the lap dances are given by Gro-upp cosplayers. February 28, 2015; 20:44 - Reply PermanentFace: @Unidentified_BA: So what you're saying... is that... YOU'RE the person I have to kill to become an Admin.
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