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doodlemancer: the fanart nobody asked for :3... don't worry, the final version will be rainbow-censored like the original picture in the comic

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CaptainLackwit: the khajiit there is killing me

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tronn: Do post a link to the uncensored final version too! For...reasons, see.

(These reasons are aesthetic appreciation reasons)

(Butt aesthetics appreciation reasons)

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doodlemancer: @tronn: will do! it's just that given my ever growing backlog of todo art + the sheer amount of time to do a decent coloured version means that you might not see it till next month (or longer if i decide to do more fanart of my skyrim ocs)

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doodlemancer: incidentally, i didn't draw the willies in this sketch but put up the pineapples anyway just to make it lewd lol

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Man_Of_Mer: @doodlemancer: Wait. So you took the extra effort to draw actual dongs? Also, how do I make a legitimate @ thingy?
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MetalC0Mmander: Wait weren't some of them in the original picture female?

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Zokva: Briliant I'll order 2

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Gren: The nord guy is like "Oh my, what do we have here?"

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Gren: @MetalC0Mmander: Yeah, I thought so too.

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doodlemancer: @Man_Of_Mer: like i mentioned in my previous comment, there are no penises drawn in this pic and

@MetalC0Mmander: the original pic seems to feature all men ...@Kazerad pls confirm whether this is true or not

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Bob: They should upload the comic version of vaermina's art piece.

Pure Nightmare Fuel.

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Kazerad: @doodlemancer: The Khajiit and Breton in the original are female. Don't let that stop you, though.

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doodlemancer: @Kazerad: ok i shall proceed with the all-male cast then :)

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doodlemancer: coloured version is done~~~ posted it a few hours ago