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Tags armor artist:Doodlemancer Blade character:Katia_Managan claymore crossover
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doodlemancer: I present to you number 13 of the organization, Katia the Pineapple Slicer. Just a random crossover idea that hit me a couple of days ago.

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Nefel: Jeez, she managed to reach rank 13? Did the other half of the warriors die?

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Man_Of_Mer: What is this a crossover of?

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doodlemancer: @Nefel: incidentally she was demonstrating her new sword technique but WHOOPS SHE SCREWED UP then some 20 odd warriors became mincemeat

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doodlemancer: @Man_Of_Mer: Claymore by Yagi Yorihiro... he also created this other manga called Angel Densetsu

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VashTheStampede: Is it any good?

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doodlemancer: @VashTheStampede: it's only an awesome manga about half-demon female warriors killing monsters so yes it's good

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doodlemancer: oh, and Angel Densetsu is pretty funny too

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Nefel: Angel Densetsu is a fantastic series. It's also really amazing to see the art evolve as it goes. It starts off quite awful and improves in leaps and bounds

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VashTheStampede: Anything like Berserk?

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Nefel: Claymore is (albeit a fair bit less blood and Guts). It's all about babes butchering monsters and monsters butchering babes.

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Nefel: oh and @doodlemancer: I wanted to say the personal rune you gave her is fantastic but I forgot.

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VashTheStampede: So yeah, sorta like Berserk.
Umma start watching it now.

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doodlemancer: @Nefel: thanks :) and @VashTheStampede: it's better if you stick to the manga since the anime ends way earlier than the manga

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VashTheStampede: Just... Like... Berserk...