Moderators can add new Daedric Fun Tips. Kazerad probably won't even notice, and the site does not log who added them.


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makingfailure: *plop*

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CaptainLackwit: It is great art though/

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Kazerad: I deleted all the comments about the artist's Accidental Previous Upload so we can just pretend that never happened.

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Itriedmanitried: awesome!...and that beach is a shark...awesome!

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tronn: Huh. It's pretty and not scatological at all! Who has jacked Scrubby's account?
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MetalC0Mmander: @Kazerad: We can pretend but our heart will always know the truth. But seriously, what do you care if people are commenting about accidental upload?

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KillerfishSG: About time, huh?

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Mediocre_Scrublord: @killerfish ?

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Grape: The evidence may be removed but let us all remember in our hearts what happened here

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Radian: we know

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korblborp: i don't know