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Makkon: Simple, and pretty rad. Love the veil.

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Fralex: "loak of Gray Tomorrow"?

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Mediocre_Scrublord: Whoops

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AMKitsune: The Cloak of Gray Tomorrow. A cloak so old, worn and generally 'hobo-esque' that people can't help but completely ignore the wearer. It's really quite ingenious.

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Makkon: @AMKitsune that's an idea. It's like the "not my problem" field from Scott Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide. It's not that you can't physically see them, it's just that it plays a trick on your brain and makes it impossible to focus on them. Functionally invisible, but not actually invisible.

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Sasquatch_boote: Im really diggin this scrubs. Great work. I dint recognize it was you at first.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: @sas see? I CAN draw like a normal person every once in a while!

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Sasquatch_boote: @scr its not that i didnt think you were capable of it, but i most commonly see your caricaturistic art, so its a bit of a shock to see something less exaggerated. I really like it tho.