DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Betray your fellow mortals by reporting violated rules. Your continued existence is your only reward. Image Uploader doodlemancer, August 7, 2015; 03:50 Tags artist:Doodlemancer character:Stephane Mercantile portrait Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible August 7, 2015; 03:52 - Reply doodlemancer: tried blending with a different brush which made blending much easier. Overall color scheme turned out rather dull tho imo August 7, 2015; 04:31 - Reply Geravind: Dat ironic-sadistic half-smile... August 7, 2015; 04:45 - Reply Radian: Oh, I like this blending effect and smudge brushes at all. Also nice face expression. August 7, 2015; 09:04 - Reply angrybacteria: Really, who wouldn't trust a face like this? August 8, 2015; 18:06 - Reply Gren: This guy should be a politician. "You can trust me. I am a humble servant of the Aedra. I will not disappoint you (and backstab you and steal all your belongings)." August 8, 2015; 21:37 - Reply Bob: @Gren: Sounds like any airhead in congress. Ba-dum tsh. August 9, 2015; 00:55 - Reply Man_Of_Mer: @Bob: *Applauds slowly* August 11, 2015; 03:34 - Reply doodlemancer: @Gren: technically it was Sigrid who did the backstabbing and stealing...all he did was watch July 5, 2016; 23:24 - Reply Toryu-Mau: And watched, he did. Watched as his hero burned with her town.
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"You can trust me. I am a humble servant of the Aedra. I will not disappoint you (and backstab you and steal all your belongings)."
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Sounds like any airhead in congress.
Ba-dum tsh.
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Watched as his hero burned with her town.