DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Click a tag to explore all images that possess it. Image Uploader Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi, August 13, 2015; 22:41 Tags accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:Kewart_Rokar character:Katia_Managan Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow firearms knock_off text Source www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/2060 Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible August 13, 2015; 22:42 - Reply Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Just a quick edit I did of a thing I saw from Kewart_Rokar. Sometimes Katia is just her own worst enemy. August 13, 2015; 22:51 - Reply Sasquatch_boote: Oh snap August 13, 2015; 23:50 - Reply POMA: you forgot 'laser' label on that gun. August 15, 2015; 22:39 - Reply Kewot_Rokar: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: I thought that was a portal, and the first thought to come to mind was "Now you're thinking with portàls". July 5, 2016; 23:15 - Reply Toryu-Mau: That moment when you look in the mirror and see yourself scowling back in disgust. It's one of those morning.
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Sometimes Katia is just her own worst enemy.
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