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Flash Animation

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bazelini: Sorry...uploaded the wrong file(. How to change?

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bazelini: Need change to this: http://orig00.deviantart.net/d081/f/2015/230/1/f/dressup_game___katia_managan_by_bazelini-d95nyiq.swf

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Kazerad: I fixed it for you! Don't think there's a way to change uploads yourself, though.

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Nefel: The flash things are interesting and scary. I can't see a thumbnail in the gallery and so it's like opening a mystery box

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I found 3. This is great

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Skoon: I adore this.

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Tahrey: Is there supposed to be anything selectable with the second box after "Fur", or is that being reserved for future use?

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Tahrey: *presses the randomise button but once*
*gets this*

God damn it all, internet.

Well, at least it let her keep her boots on...

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Radian: Я заметил в неверном файле недоделанную броню Кватча, это значит флешка еще будет обновлена? Если да, возможно не стоило загружать ее до полного завершения?

If someone curious about that I said:
I noticed unfinished Kvatch arena armor in the wrong file, this means the game will be updated? If so, you probably shouldn't upload it before fully finished?

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bazelini: @Kazerad: Thanks for fix. Is it possible to add a direct link from the deviant for the next update?

@Radian: Да, там была часть из следующего обновления. Дело в том, что обновлений будет довольно много. У меня тут целый список шмоток для хорошей кастомизации).

Yes, there was a part of the next update. The fact is that the update will be quite a lot. I've got a whole list of belongings for good customization).

@Tahrey: It will soon be available.

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CaptainLackwit: No matter what I do I just keep giving her long hair and putting her in wizard robes. ._.

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AMKitsune: Everyone post your favourite non-Canon combinations!
From the top down, mine's 3,1,3rd colour,3,---,2,2
There's just something seemingly tropical about it.

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Bluedragon: @AMKitsune: Cool! Hawaiian Katia. (She doesn't seem to like my favorite non-Canon combination ;)

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POMA: 2,2 6th colour, 3,2,5 (red skirt not blue pants)
Closest possible to necromancer Katia

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Tahrey: Has this been updated? Because the thing's loaded up with a random selection of things, none of which were selectable before...

(A quite neat oriental style combo, in fact - Head set 4 / ---, yellow, outfit 10-2-5-2, bg 1)

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Tahrey: And if you change the clothing to 3-1-3-3 and fur to the medium brown ... voila, Katia Warrior Princess. Thanks, randomiser.

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Tahrey: *hits it a couple times*
and, yet again, 1-0, yellow, 1-0-1-1. Thanks for making me look like a perv at work.

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Tahrey: 1-2, yellow, 5-1-4-1, custom bg #003333

Pirate Kat, on a murky night. Devoid of cutlass, hat or flintlock (or parrot...) sadly, but let's just say she's a recent recruit and the drunken captain wanted her for a cabin "boy". Make your own decisions on what point he figures it out when stepping through shirts 4, 3, 1 and then pants 3 and 1...

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Nefel: Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but if you randomize, you have about a 50% chance of her having a bloody eye when you get outfit #7

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Tahrey: ...interesting

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Tahrey: Took about 4 or 5 times for me, first time I've ever seen it... neat.

There are various secrets in it after all.

Maybe it's just what happens if you cycle through the head accessories too many times?

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8Aerondight8: Two by two, hands of blue.

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CaptainLackwit: @8Aerondight8: You can't take the sky from me.

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8Aerondight8: @CaptainLackwit: Katia space smuggler spin-off adventures!

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Hey bazelini, Mind adding /my/ Outfit?


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bazelini: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I will try.

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furnut: very adorable expressions :3

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Tahrey: we need to have updates every time there's new stuff added to this :D

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @bazelini:
You forgot the: Chain around her shoulder, Boots (http://cdn3.bigcommerce.com/s-s1ldxg/products/61738/images/63241/boots__92131.1435795159.1280.1280.jpg?c=2) but FUCKING AWESOME! You actually added it :D

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: (Also, I think my outfit should, when randomized, have the bloody eye :3)

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: or, atleast this: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/2111

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Eating: That default outfit choice; you have good taste.

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Tahrey: I'm confused how that's "Dana Scully" other than the 90s hair (of the wrong colour) and the grey skirt.

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tronn: Haircut, 90s clothing, latex gloves, it all adds up.

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Geravind: Воу! Человечище, да это офигительно!! Я только пытаюсь пробовать начинать рисовать... а эта флэшка офигительна, прям будоражит до кончиков лап и хвоста... эмм... смысле до краёв нервных окончаний. =>_>=

This one was deeply admiring about the art.

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Radian: @Geravind: Slowpoke :D
And another one who starts drawing because inspired by Katia?

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Geravind: @Radian: Сам ты slowpoke). Просто после нескольких апдэйтов эта флэш-игра выглядит весьма якши!
Не, не совсем прям Катя заинспирила... прост после взрывов сенсорных аггро-бомб... да ещё роликов всяких Грайпсов... лапы чешутся по чему-нибудь приемлемому "я сделяль"! =*_*=

Oooh, too many crazy russian words about difficulty to force oneself to draw something... ahem... acceptable.

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Radian: @Geravind: Тебя ждет долгий путь "да твоюж мать, выгляди ты нормально!" Удачи :3

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Tahrey: @tronn: Scully wears a business suit, or occasionally a lab coat. WTF are you on about.

Are you getting confused with another Gillian Anderson character, or possibly one of several different Jennifer Anistons?

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Tahrey: I translated all the Russian on this page into English and it still makes almost no sense. You people are crazy and need to lay off the vodka.

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Tahrey: @tronn : besides, it defaults to fingerless biker-style gloves, not latex ones.

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Tahrey: In fact, to get the "FBI" badge to appear, we need head: 5 / -- (floofy Anderson/Aniston hair, no accessories), plus body 13 / -- / 9 / 4 (blue business jacket, NO gloves, matching plain knee-length skirt, matching flats).

Got a feeling that the default is closer to, say, Aniston in Office Space or something.

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Radian: @Tahrey: No! Our brains works better with vodka. And I said that it's take some time and efforts to become decent artist.

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Geravind: @Radian: Это странное чувство, когда ты не можешь объяснить иностранцу... впрочем, меня и окружающие не всегда с первого раза понимают из-за моего долбанутого своеобразного мыслеизъяснения. ...А ещё он вас теперь безвозвратными алкоголиками считает, извините. :(
Спасибо за баф! Скоро моё первое творение испытает позор и славу от гипер-booru-йцев...

@Tahrey: Sorry, man, the slang and dialects make your try to translate it almost pointless. Sometimes this one is hard to be understood even on his native language. Btw, this one never actually drinks skooma -- it would be a disaster, that Katia never could imagine!
After seeing this wonderful art Khajiit tries to draw something himself.

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Tahrey: Maybe it's the other way round then. Maybe I'm too sober to figure it out.

Pass the rum.

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Tahrey: Also if I didn't say it before, nice arts all round, here.

Not sure how to take being described as an "Alien" :D
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ThePhrastusBombastus: Since nobody else has mentioned them, I'll point out that both Rajirra and Nicole Watterson are hidden in this flash.

A few people have noticed that when you randomize, Katia gets a bloody eye sometimes when you land on shirt #7. This is the only way I've found to get bloody-eye Katia. After that, she always gets a bloody eye on outfit #7.

Bloody-eye Katia unlocks the other two, so be sure to randomize until you get a bloody-eyed Katia.

Rajirra will now show up if you select shirt #14 and leggings #10. Her hairstyle will automatically change to hairstyle #2 (regardless of the hairstyle actually selected), unless you choose hairstyle #4.

To get Nicole's face, you need to select shirt #16 and leggings #12. She doesn't look right unless you also choose hairstyle #0 and blue fur though.

This flash was far more interesting than I thought it would be. I kinda doubt I've even found everything.

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Tahrey: tmw you have to google "Nicole Watterson"

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Tahrey: > clicks randomise at high speed for a solid minute until the bloodied eye finally appears

> sets shirt 14, legwear 10
> nothing happens

I think the trigger must be something else, TPB. The hair didn't change (stayed on #3, with a flower as well), nor did the gloves. Maybe you hit some other combo along the way without realising?
Nor is she scowling, either :D

The Nicole thing didn't work for me neither - just looked rather like the default one I thought was maybe Jennifer Aniston. I really think you must have unlocked them some other way, unless you're trolling ...
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ThePhrastusBombastus: Shit, now I can't get it to work consistently either. Maybe there is a different trigger after all. It was working well a few nights ago, though.


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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @ThePhrastusBombastus: It still works guys! (Tested 09/25/'15)

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Shadow_Ryuu: I like (6-3-yellow-15-9-15-2)

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Tahrey: I think I settled on something similar last time I had a play around, too. Looks good mang.


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Tahrey: 8

that is all

felicidas navidad

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Robbyn: If something here is incorrect, please tell me.
If this information is prohibited, delete this comment.

2º face:

3º face:

4º face:
Press ramdomize button until you get the 7º shirt with bloody-eye

5º face:???

6º face:

7º face:
(boots will not work)

8º face:

9º face:???

that's all i know by now...
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Roxatanc: I found
#5 face: 4, --, Yellow, 10, 2, 6, 2
#9 face: 6, --, Yellow, 19, 7, 15, 2

I don't recognize what they're referencing though.

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Rick2tails: this is such a great thing it should be featured
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SilentOrbweaver: @Rick2tails: According to the tags - it has been featured already.

That being said, what a fun thing this is.