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Francix: swiggty swooty i'm comin' for dat booty <3

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Skoon: Oh my goodness yes.

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Pepsidude: Is it too lewd for the booru? That's some booty.

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Man_Of_Mer: Really? I still don't understand how she's shiny /and/ covered in fur. A paradox, I'd say.

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Kewot_Rokar: Me when I peered at this//m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn977W9HjWM

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Pepsidude: I think so too, It's a bit /too/ lewd :/
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MetalC0Mmander: I think there's been worse.

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Tahrey: bewty?

also, fur can be shiny. have you never seen a petfood commercial?
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SomeShadyGuy: Daymn.

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tronn: She has a healthy, shiny pelt because she eats Whiskas, Man_of_Mer. Whiskas - eight out of ten owners said their Khajiit prefers it!

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @tronn: Goddammit tronn :l

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AMKitsune: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I think I have to agree on this one. While it's an excellent picture and by no means sexually explicit, the 'ass-centric' nature of the image coupled with the fact that she's naked here pushes this image just over the threshold of what I'd consider suitable for this booru. However, going back and re-reading the upload rules, this image does seem to fall under that questionable category as it's contains neither explicit nudity or sex. One aspect of the image that throws its position on this booru into question is the part of the upload TOS that says 'no weird fetish stuff' (or words to that effect) and I can see how people could categorise this as such. What does everyone else think? Again, it's a very well done picture, possibly not suitable for here though.

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Tahrey: It's only offensive if you don't like butts. There's no actual sexual content.

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Grape: @AMKitsune: A lot of what judges if an image is too lewd or not is some of the in-image context. Yeah there's a lot of butt there, but it isn't showing nudity and she's not giving you bed-eyes so the image is CLOSE, but fine.

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Makkon: I don't know what some viewer's internet diet consists of here, but be real. That is nudity, by definition. Yes, it is sexual in nature. There's no denying that it is objectively a naked cat woman being shown in an intentional angle and pose wanting to get a specific response out of people. Considering all that, I do think this has the right to exist. Even if it's not particularly tasteful, it does have merit. Does it belong here? Eh, probably not, that's ultimately up to the mods.

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Tahrey: Let's say "it's nothing more than you'd commonly see on a roadside billboard". All the important bits that would exclude it from such a location are obscured.

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Tahrey: Compare with our old friend here who made a lot of us feel things we couldn't yet properly understand during our 80s/90s childhoods... there's not that much difference.

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Skoon: I don't think this is too lewd for this booru. Have you SEEN some of the other images here?

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Grape: @Makkon: A few of us mods along with Kazerad have talked about images like this, and the general opinion that it's okay. This image was actually reported and then reinstated, but I agree, the line can be fuzzy at times. <s> Although that still doesn't explain what happened to all the spanking images. </s>

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POMA: I guess it goes like this: spanking = weird fetish, butts = not-weird fetish.