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POMA: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/641/906/ade.png
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SomeShadyGuy: I need that book! For research.
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SomeShadyGuy: @SomeShadyGuy: And I mean the book Katia is holding

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POMA: The slowest khajiit gardener? <_<

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Man_Of_Mer: Terrible at gardening. Great for . . . other reasons.

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Kewot_Rokar: Best picture ever.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @POMA: I think It says "The Slutty Khajiit Gardener"
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TemporaryFace: As far as I can tell, the Daedric spells "dan ex nion," which doesn't make any sense. Anyone got a clearer translation?

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tronn: I like the funny details hidden in the picture!

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8Aerondight8: @TemporaryFace: You're off by one letter. :)

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Bob: Quil-Weave: its the holiday disaster weavey. get with the times girl.

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Tahrey: ...fused? fussed about what to have for dinner? futzed around for a bit? futilely attempted copulation? future-proofed their horse? furled a flag? furnished the lounge? furrowed their brows? furiously argued? furtively snuck around the back of the haybarn? furthered their education? funked up the area like a pair of absolute mothers? FUPA-shamed a load of guys on Tumblr? funded an orphange for a year? fundectomised a corrupt mage? funeralized dmitri? fumigated several local properties after setting up a pest control business? fumbled the pass? funambulised? full-frontal flashed the entire patronage of a nearby tavern? fulfilled a string of courier jobs? fulminated some apples? fuggled? fugitometered katia's outfit? fucivored? fucked up a two-car funeral? fuddled shamelessly all night? fudged their tax return? fugaciously jigged? fuelled speculation about the state of their relationship? fubbed off the audience with a cliche ending?

C'mon, don't leave us hanging! I wanna know how the story ends!

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Tahrey: also, i'm not good with either latin or made-up languages, so what's "dan ex nirn" mean, other than being something to do with that world in general?

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Toryu-Mau: The sheer amount of literary poignancy is staggering in this one. -_-;