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Radian: Crossover this pretty obvious hope I. Thanks one guy for this idea.

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angrybacteria: Fantastic! It would be hilarious to see a continuation of this concept. Like Katia fighting the nightmare king on Bespin or something like that.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I demand this scene to be done. https://youtu.be/_xP3fI7yn5s?t=1m43s

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Radian: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Ooh, I almost forgot how much EPIC is Star Wars. I need to rewatch whole series. Who will be Anakin and who Obi-Wan? Katia - Anakin and asotil - Obi-Wan? :D

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Radian: Katia = Anakin, Quill-Weave = Obi-wan.

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Geravind: Я не знаю, почему они напоминают мифических лесных гопов... но сам рисунок в целом выглядит замечательно!

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Radian: @Geravind: Мифический Лесной Гоп. Опасный юнит наверно :) Кстати забей это в гугл-транслейт.
Ну а вообще ты в чем-то прав. У меня тоже возникает какое-то странное ощущение при взгляде на Катино лицо.

Don't try to translate this. Google-translate will lie you.

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Kewot_Rokar: I FORESAW THIS!!!

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AMKitsune: This is so awesome! While I'm not a massive starwars nut, I'm familiar enough to know what scene this is meant to be and it has to be said that the parallels here are just perfect.
The painting's also bloody brilliant, just in case I hadn't made that clear XD

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Valkaiser: This is hilarious.

Also awesome :3

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Tahrey: :o

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Remember to put the Title of the Movie in the pic somewhere! >:V

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Toryu-Mau: "You need to think like a Jedi!"