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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Valkaiser: I spent a bit more than 10 seconds developing a workaround for the booru's ham-handed treatment of SVGs :P. They should scale to fit the layout width now :3.

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Valkaiser: This "outfit" is Katt from Breath of Fire II. Coordinating all the fills took forever, I need more practice with the vector program.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Why do you make such cute art? I love the little tiger stripes where her "Cheek tufts" are x3

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Valkaiser: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I can't help it. Katia has the cutest face :3. I really like the cheek stripes too.

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POMA: So the staff is an optic illusion or how do both its ends go forward?

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Valkaiser: @POMA: I can't see it (which is probably why it's there) can you be more specific? The paws at the ends at least point in opposite directions.

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Valkaiser: Kaz, you removed the questionable tag...
This image is actually interactive, and, uh, questionable decisions were made under the influence of medication.
We might need that back once the puzzle is solved.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @VectorKaiser: What's your vector, victor?

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Valkaiser: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Inkscape?

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POMA: Both hands are going forward so both ends of the staff has to go the same way. Look at this - http://i.imgur.com/bcMR8NT.png

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Valkaiser: @POMA: You're right. It's the same in my reference pic http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bof/images/4/48/KattBF2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080229032150
Just now I tried removing the left forearm interior curve, but it didn't really help.
(nice explanatory pic!)
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TemporaryFace: I like the new image filter on the archive. Whose idea was that?

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woundedkneecap: @Valkaiser: For those wondering what he means, you can remove objects from the vector if you right click and view elements.

You can see her nipple-less tits beneath her bra!

Cool drawing!

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Valkaiser: @woundedkneecap: Sorta. I mean, there is a cheat code. Roll the mouse around to find the clue.
I always draw the figure first anyways, so I figured, why not? My previous image was less complicated, so I didn't do it quite the same.
@reluctantNovelist: Glad you like it!

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Valkaiser: I was going to work in an Oblivion joke about hidden breast textures, but I forgot.

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Kewot_Rokar: Adorable :3

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Skoon: A great reference to an excellent game with a horrible soundtrack. X3

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FuzzyZergling: The four buttons on her chest light up when you mouse over them, but clicking on them doesn't do anything I can see.

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POMA: Taken from svg code:
"function stateMachine(button){
//Should have been full Konami code, but for the laziness."

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Tahrey: That seems rather... needless, to be honest.

I love the SVG thumbnail thing btw, even though use of the format was vaguely-justfied in this case.

Also TIL: SVGs can be interactive. Oh, the fun we could have with this. If I had something which could make them, and the time, and could be bothered.

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FuzzyZergling: @POMA: Huh, could've sworn I tried that. Thanks.

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Valkaiser: @FuzzyZergling: I was worried they'd be too small to notice. Good find :3

@POMA: I wondered when someone would get around to that :3

@Tahrey: Oh, I fully agree that it was unnecessarily juvenile. It was a thin pretext for me to learn how to create interactive SVGs.
Inkscape is free, and you can view the source of this one to see how I did the interactive bits (it's likely there are poor stylistic choices, but it works ya? :3).

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Valkaiser: That's odd, I just noticed that the "Image Only" button doesn't work for this picture. It worked fine when I tested it on my local instance of the booru...
Maybe some extension I don't have enabled is mangling/getting mangled by it.

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Tahrey: Hmm, I think I have that installed here somewhere ... or maybe on my home machine if not the work one... and juvenile examples are always the best ones.

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Tahrey: Valk: me either. I think maybe Chrome just doesn't like displaying raw interactive SVGs, as I have no extensions installed save for a facebook/youtube video downloader.

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Valkaiser: @Tahrey: I can display the raw file just fine with both Chrome and Firefox. SVG is a first class citizen of HTML5. Interaction is accomplished through CSS and Javascript since SVG is just XML and can be manipulated as part of the DOM.
I was referring to booru extensions. The one I set up to test uploading SVGs to is fairly vanilla, and the "Image Only" button works fine.

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Tahrey: ah, OK. well, my chrome didn't display anything more than a "broken image" placeholder icon when I clicked that button, so it might not be just you... basically everything else works with it, though.

and good to see that, 25-ish years since html was first proposed as a cross-platform display-system-agnostic document display standard, it's finally had vector graphics baked into it. would have made a lot more sense back in the early 90s, really, as it's not that big a deal to transmit or resize hefty full colour images (or indeed two-way video) any more, but, eh... late progress is still progress all the same.

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Tahrey: OK, tried again, both in Chrome with all extensions turned off, and in Internet Explorer (this machine only has those two browsers). No change in Chrome. And it didn't work at all in IE. Like, it didn't display embedded in the regular page, and when I clicked "image only" it displayed the xml contents of the file as if it were a text document (...and showed it as having a name that ended in "_jpg.mht", rather than the ".svg?" of Chrome... and yes, knocking off the "?" didn't do anything either).

Said XML may reveal why it didn't work though I think - the interactivity / state machine lurking within appears to be driven by javascript. Maybe, for security reasons, that doesn't load when you're just viewing an image by itself rather than within the context of a whole page, and the display engine gets rather confused as a result?

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Tahrey: ...in fact when I right click on the embedded image (in Chrome) and try to "save as", it presents as a piece of HTML rather than an SVG file...

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Tahrey: (ergo, maybe the browser is trying to display it as an html page and thus failing, as if you hold it to those standards it's rather badly malformed, being merely a module/fragment/object rather than an entire correctly-formatted page?)

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Valkaiser: @Tahrey: What I mean is, the image board software is somehow confusing the browser. I can view the plain svg file with my browser just fine. I can even rename it to an html and it works. I set up my own image board using the same software that this one is based on and it works (this is mainly why I think it should work).

...but in the source for this page, the "Image Only" button is just a form element that directly links the image when clicked. It should work.

The same problem happens with the other two SVGs I uploaded here, which have no embedded javascript or CSS, so that isn't it.

I'll have to run some more experiments when I return home.

@Tahrey: I think vector graphics are receiving new attention due to the explosion of mobile devices and the need for crisp graphics at multiple screen sizes.

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Valkaiser: Now that I'm thinking about it. The version of the booru I'm using retrieves images via PHP. This booru doesn't appear to. Maybe this booru is running an older version of Shimmie2? I wonder how I could find out...

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Valkaiser: I think I figured it out! The HTTP response header generated when retrieving the SVG via the "image only" button (in this case, linking directly to "http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/_images/fdc6078861a74f5e831439f9da10e0ad/2230%20-%20Crossover_Collab%20Katia_Managan%20adorable%20artist%3AValkaiser%20casually_underdressed%20very_casually_underdressed.svg") incorrectly specifies the "Content-Type" field as "image/jpeg". This confuses the browser as it correctly receives the SVG data and then tries to parse it as a jpeg file. The "Content-Type" that should be reported is "image/svg+xml".

I demand satisfaction!!! >:V

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: yay.

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Valkaiser: The same thing happens with other image files, such as PNGs, but the browser is smart enough to recognize that it isn't really a jpeg.

This could be caused by your web server configuration. As you appear to be running Apache, this might cause it:
<Location /fanartbooru/_images>
ForceType image/jpeg

Of course, I am making wild assumptions based on whatever little gobbets of info I can scrape from your web server.

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Valkaiser: Err, wait. Webserver looks more like nginx 1.8.0.
I don't know anything about configuring that then.
I should be like, drawing or something.
Yeah, the arts...

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Tahrey: You, sir, are a gentleman and a polymath. Or madam/lady if that's more appropriate. Excellent investigative work, anyway.