Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.


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Tags artist:POMA Blade character:Katia_Managan green_eyes knock_off
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POMA: Katia visiting Anvil's Fighter's Guild.

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POMA: Uploaded the wrong image. http://i.imgur.com/8rfPc5Y.png - this is what it should look like.

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Geravind: Катя конечно худая... но шея по пропорциям куда-то слегка улетела. И блик на затенённом глазу непонятен.
Как Катя правильно сказала в комиксе: тут есть мои любимые цвета! =*_*= (серьёзно)
"Гера, как обычно, влезет со своей критикой -- лучше бы сам больше рисовал, морда ленивая!" =-_-=
Кхаджит не злой, Кхаджит помогать.

A little critics.

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POMA: She's leaning back to see the sword from max distance, i think. About glits - I have no idea how to draw them so I just wasted 10 minutes drawing and redrawing them again and again; that's my best attempt.

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AMKitsune: @POMA: Got ya covered.

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Geravind: @POMA: Fine... Imagine: the armor just disappeared from her... -- see? Her neck is too long, or shoulders are too low. The position is right, proportion is not purrfect. This one was working that out a while back -- an author should follow body proportions through any obstacles.
Glares are pretty simple to understand (just stereometry), but it's difficult to illustrate them correctly.
Ah, this one has bored you too much already...

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CaptainLackwit: Huh.

Her armor looks like Siegfried's from Soul Calibur.

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Kewot_Rokar: ai ghess we get to see her in Elite Knight set then?

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angrybacteria: I love how ill fitting everything is for her. I guess the whole "limp noodle" physique doesn't go away with just a new armor set, a few levels, and a crappy sword.

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Makkon: I think this is rather well inked and shaded. You have a knack for that. There's some general proportional issues that have been mentioned, but that stuff comes with practice.
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princessBonny: My goodness, such immaculate detail!