Unimaginable suffering shall be granted to those that do not tag properly.


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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MetalC0Mmander: So let's be clear that this is a dumb joke but is there something you're not telling us about you gender indentity Tronn?

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CaptainLackwit: OH MY GOD THAT TEXT


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Tahrey: Tronn is a robot skeleton. I'm not sure the concept of gender even applies.

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reiler12: Kazirade saw what I said, saw what the furry fandom is to invalidate something or someone close to the character. They attack all the ways to never lose Their love. I did not even I am fanboy of Asotil, is a matter of dementia. I am not sure what was the purpose of que image is gone to be a joke or a way of Demonstrating Their anger against Asotil.Mais at the end of the furries will love this, why they will try to invalidate any chance to relationship between with katia a male character, further ahead they will try to say that the Asotil is promiscuous to invalidate any chance of relationship.

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AMKitsune: @reiler12: I'm sorry, but what? I'll admit that I sometimes have difficulty understanding what you say (I'm guessing English may not be your first language?) but I suspect that you may be taking this picture a little too seriously. I'm pretty sure this isn't meant to seriously belittle any characters. Sure, it's ridiculous and doesn't make any real sense, but I think that's meant to be the point. Different people may 'ship' different characters with each other, that's just how people are (and again, I don't think this is even meant to be a serious picture).

While places like this tend to be full of relatively like-minded people with a shared interests (In this case, sad cats), You have to accept that different people have different likes and opinions.

We have absolutely no desire to censor people for having differing views and thoughts, but sometimes these views can be worded in ways that serve no purpose other than to make others feel bad about their own opinions (like saying something like "your interest in anthropomorphic animals is weird" or words to that effect. Most hobbies and pastimes are 'weird' when you look at the closely enough). These kinds of comments have no place here (or in any other decent community for that matter).

Personally, I'm not too keep on the whole 'male pregnancy' thing, but this picture's breaking none of the Booru's rules as far as I'm aware, so it has every right to be here. It's just a case of 'putting up' with the images that you don't particularly agree with for the sake of letting others enjoy them.

I realise that you may have strong feeling about some of the content on this Booru, but when commenting on something, above all else, try to consider how your comment will make everyone else feel. While we don't necessarily want this place turning into an echo-chamber with everyone agreeing with everything everyone says, it's important to voice your objections and concerns as considerately as you can.

We've already got a sad cat. There's no need for any sad fans.

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CaptainLackwit: wtf guys

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POMA: @reiler12: Oh boy! You sure got sore serious case of furryfandomphobia! How is this picture even connected to the aforesaid fandom?
As for me I can say 3 things:
1) Wow 2) I would like to never see this picture again 3) This picture is fine to be on booru

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @POMA: yeah, I think I would have to agree with you on that one, :v

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Nefel: God damn it tronn did you really have to upload this? I knew it was coming as soon as I saw it in the thread

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Mediocre_Scrublord: i like how there is an actual argument with paragraphs about this image

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tronn: Dude, Katia's totally a furry too.

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Kazerad: @POMA: what has the Internet come to when we can't even have some nice mpreg without people assuming furries are involved.

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Kewot_Rokar: Well, that's enough internet for me today...

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Filthypaladin: OTP

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reiler12: furry fandom are mentally ill. passion for character fictitious(katia). denigrate canonical characters are jokes for that are fetish theirs alone. (katia)

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @reiler12: Asotil wasn't even a love interest to begin with, just cause there are male characters and female characters doesn't mean that there will be romantic elements. Romantic elements are best suited for head canon and fan fiction. Also, loving a character is not why I am mentally ill, I just happen to be mentally ill. I really honestly dislike any art that degrades Katia, and in some cases art of her drunk. I want to see her succeed and be someone, there is way to much art of her centered around her bad past. I love her, yes, am I right in the head? Probably not, but at least I am happy.

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Unidentified_BA: Happy Valentine's Day

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PermanentFace: Why.

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XenoYparxi: Why..

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Rekwanze: Why...
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Asperger_kitten_1337: blame whoever made this for my suicide

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MrCoopy: This picture is the reason why the number seventeen is illegal in the southern territories of Canada.

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scoopski: Do you think God stays in Heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he's created?