DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you. Image Uploader Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi, November 11, 2015; 18:05 Tags artist:JJR daedra eye_of_fear Khajiit text Source jjreeve.tumblr.com/post/133033292040/more-stuff-i-did Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible November 11, 2015; 18:17 - Reply CaptainLackwit: ohpffft. That's funny. November 11, 2015; 19:57 - Reply Man_Of_Mer: Wuh? Is this a lore thing? An inside joke or something? November 11, 2015; 20:02 - Reply Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Man_Of_Mer: It just my take on why Kazerad depicts Khajiit only having one eye open when they do the Scary Eye Thing. November 12, 2015; 03:31 - Reply Tahrey: This is why it's "Eye of Fear", not "EYES of Fear". ...Reevandi, btw? :) November 12, 2015; 07:56 - Reply AMKitsune: Now we just wait for Kazerad to show up and declare this to be canon. November 12, 2015; 15:18 - Reply Kewot_Rokar: @Tahrey: Huh, just noticed that Katia, and Rajirra, both close one eye. WHY DID I NOT REALISE THIS UNTIL NOW? November 13, 2015; 02:47 - Reply Tahrey: Because it was just something they did and it was never mentioned as "a thing" so it just seemed normal? I mean, maybe Khajiit in-game don't do it... I wouldn't (yet) know... November 13, 2015; 04:33 - Reply tronn: I like this and I like you! November 13, 2015; 22:37 - Reply Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Tahrey: Yus @Salamanakis: @tronn: Thanks, compliments are always nice. @AMKitsune: Is that a thing he can do? Just show up and declare things to be canon? November 16, 2015; 07:31 - Reply Tahrey: Yus. November 17, 2015; 04:24 - Reply Tahrey: Actually it's a pretty easy thing to do, all you need is a sharpie: http://41.media.tumblr.com/f05a5ba331cf51e48fe396db92fb35c9/tumblr_mx7pgcB6An1smn4pqo1_r2_1280.jpg
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That's funny.
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...Reevandi, btw? :)
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I mean, maybe Khajiit in-game don't do it... I wouldn't (yet) know...
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@Salamanakis: @tronn: Thanks, compliments are always nice.
@AMKitsune: Is that a thing he can do? Just show up and declare things to be canon?
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