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Uploader samfeldt,
Tags character:Quill-Weave Cookie_Memorial pineapple
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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: That's a pretty fuckin' massive cookie!

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Adroma: Ummmm.....my body isn't ready.

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samfeldt: I had intended for the tongue to be animated but managed to mess up at a crucial stage. No undos in baking, it turns out. Also, too late did I realise I didn't have a pineapple at hand and had to improvise. Still, it's a damn sweet gingerbread-cookie.

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @samfeldt: How does one animate a cookie?

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samfeldt: Make several detachable tongues and switch them in-between shots. With a proper tripod, constant lighting and fixed positioning the end result would be nice, I bet. I wanted to make a gif of quill licking various things with little plates of cookies with SLURP and SCRAPE flashing intermittently in frames.

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TanziniteBone: this will win the cookie competition.
no second thoughts.

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Olaffson: This is definitely the best one. I wasn't even sure it was a cookie from the thumbnail!

(pretty huge cookie also)

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tronn: I can't see this image without hearing HLUAGHLUAGHLUAG anymore

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Man_Of_Mer: This has to win the cookie comtest.

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Tahrey: Fail.

Pineapple isn't glowing red in strange patterns.


Also, seriously, a 22cm / 9 inch cookie, I want to live in your world.

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Eating: It turns out bigger IS better.