DAEDRIC FUN TIP: A higher power gifts you comment boxes, do not sully them with unnecessary linked images Image Uploader Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi, December 7, 2015; 19:23 Tags artist:JJR character:Little_Katia character:nightmare_king Compact_Story crossover dwemer_technology inconsistent_rendering modern_clothing My_Little_Pony royalty sad tears Twilight_Sparkle Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible December 7, 2015; 22:33 - Reply Kazerad: Oh my god, this took me a minute but now I'm sad. December 8, 2015; 05:46 - Reply AMKitsune: Seeing Kaz's comment, I've had to keep this tab open until I got the story to. About 15 minutes later, I finally got it... :'( December 8, 2015; 07:09 - Reply Geravind: That one's arts are often obscure... and arousing! (JJR likes puzzles =*_*=) December 8, 2015; 08:26 - Reply Man_Of_Mer: I think I get it. Is it the initial reaction to alicorn Twi? Or something along that line? December 8, 2015; 08:40 - Reply Radian: I'm little confused. I thought idea is obvious, but comments above make me think that I don't understand something. December 8, 2015; 09:50 - Reply Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Man_Of_Mer: Close, but it's not so much the fact that she got wings as much as it is the fact that she was subsequently declared to be the PRINCESS of Friendship. @Radian: I know how you feel, and I made the thing. XD December 10, 2015; 15:32 - Reply CaptainLackwit: Ohoho wow, this is funny. December 10, 2015; 17:54 - Reply Tahrey: So, er... did she throw the pony, or did the shadow king rip it from her hideous kitten-like fingers and throw it across the room? also needs dwemer_technology tag. 1sec. :) July 2, 2016; 21:27 - Reply Toryu-Mau: The true story of how a royalty ruined her childhood.
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(JJR likes puzzles =*_*=)
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@Radian: I know how you feel, and I made the thing. XD
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also needs dwemer_technology tag. 1sec. :)
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