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somnivagrious: MY friend Dweenyo asked me to draw Gharug so I did

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AMKitsune: I spent the first minute and a half to two minutes tearing up and trying to maintain a steady breath while trying to come to terms with the fact that you've drawn an image that by pretty much all modern social standards, shouldn't exist, but in such a magnificently detailed and well composed way that no one in their right mind could possibly be truly offended by it! (well, maybe some could...)
You've well and truly succeeded in confusing the morality part of my brain, and for doing it so utterly brilliantly, you have my full congratulations.
I'll admit though. The more I look at his expression, the more a feel a growing sense of reasonable apprehension.

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Nefel: My only complaint is that Gharug needs a bigger clover if you wanna cover him up properly.
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MetalC0Mmander: @AMKitsune: What the fuck are you talking about. We have so many pictures with someone posing naked. Doesn't matter how good a picture is, a questionable image remains a questionable image.

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AMKitsune: @MetalC0Mmander: Oh, I completely understand that. My point was simply that regardless of being questionable, the fact the a picture with what is essentialy a silly premise (buff, practially naked Orc man giving you 'a look') has such a realistically rendered style to it. Especially when compaired with other similar pictures. I genuinly teared up and laughed when I first saw this for pretty much that reason. There's no questioning its 'questionable' status. Looking back, where I said that no-one could be offended by it, isn't the best choice of words. What I was trying to get across was that I felt that it had such a degree of humor about it that no-one could view it purley as a 'to be taken 100% seriously' nude image. I was basically praising the artist for magaging to seemlessly combine such a serious style with such a silly subject.
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MetalC0Mmander: @AMKitsune: Oh ok yeah that make sense. Although I would say it's more of a great artstyle rather than a relastic one. For one his eyes are still too big.

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Tahrey: travelling minstrels sideshow & chill?
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BadReligion: What have been seen cannot be un-seen. ._.

I hope my mind won't send me again these pictures when Gharug and Kati...
Oh NO! It's happening again!

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somnivagrious: Thanks for the comments fellas. Hope you all get some good luck today ;^)

Sorry for not originally putting the filter on this when I uploaded it, I wasn't too sure how to do it heh.... So thanks to whoever added that.

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Tahrey: BR: He was quite literally introduced merely as an excuse for a double-value terrible pun, and the first we see of him, they're naked in bed together. That ship has sailed.

(His surname is "Upp". Katia spent a night of inadvisable lust with him. She "fucked up".

His middle name is "Gro". Or "grow". He often acts in a somewhat childish, fratboyesque manner even whilst pretending to be a serious adult businessman. Gharug needs to grow up.

I'm not even entirely convinced his first name isn't a triple pun of some kind that I'm not smart / well informed enough to figure out.)