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Uploader FistHombre,
Tags artist:FistHombre character:Katia_Managan Katia's_adventurer_outfit monochrome sketch
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FistHombre: Some practice after heeding some advice I got on my last upload

In case the angle isn't coming through, and I think it isn't, she's suppoused to be sitting on a rock

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FistHombre: The background enviorment is also very crude, I just thought it felt too empty with just blankness so I attempted to fill the void a bit

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Tahrey: Ees' ver' nais.

Kat needs to turn around and stuff some of those potentially magika-restoring mushrooms in her mouth though.

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FistHombre: @FistHombre: http://s7.postimg.org/6ku0qci3f/potentiallymagicaregenerating.jpg WOW GOOD IDEA TAHREY

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FistHombre: And I just replied to myself, even gooder idea