All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.


main image

Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Sexy bad ass Katia is sexy.
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MetalC0Mmander: I feel like somwthing happened in between the 2 pictures that I haven't been told about.

Also that's one cute angry face... and I don't think that what it should look like.

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Geravind: =о_о= У неё такое лицо... -- ей трусики жмут?
Шутю... красиво!
Линия раздела белый/жёлтый на груди, наверное, должна быть более размытой.
Авторы кхаджитов, могите в длинну хвоста -- в положении стоя по прямой он обычно в аккурат до земли (во всяком в играх так).
Дверь без ручки, но всем же наср...

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Radian: @Geravind: В свое оправдание хочу сказать что я наполовину спал когда рисовал это.
Хвост крупноват, да, но мне кажется так красивше. Хотя я особо не задумывался про него.

@MetalC0Mmander: I dunno what happened, but I think she found some famous criminal boss and ready to "arrest" him. Or something like that.

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POMA: http://i.imgur.com/Fefqmhs.png - I just couldn't resist

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Kewot_Rokar: Reminds me of Joanna Dark.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Katia is Ada?

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Radian: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Do you mean Ada Wong? Katia looks similar and I thought about that while drawing (I even didn't play Eesident Evil, though). But this is not some kind of crossover, just similar dress.
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BadReligion: Yep, Princess of Persia.

But really? From all possible two swords poses you have chosen the most feget one.

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Radian: @BadReligion: It's hard to think after sleepless night.
Also, what is "feget"? It's a typo? Because all translations don't make any sense.
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BadReligion: @Radian:"Dolan" version of word:faggot, just first offensive word which came to my head, it used to mean something like "gay" but used more often for just "stupid".
I mean just bad.

I understand that sometimes "call of artist" can be merciless, but haste is one of worst things, if you were exhausted why don't you go sleep or just rest to think about it clearly?
You can make a first sketches before rest if you are afraid that your "best idea evar" will disappear.

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Radian: @BadReligion: Well, usually I spent more than one day for each picture (but result still may be shitty). Drawing two pics in one day was like a challenge because I'm very lazy butt. Yes, result have mistakes but I'm became more disciplined and less lazy. At least I hope so.
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MetalC0Mmander: @BadReligion: Ok, what's wrong with that pose?
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D_C_N: How else does one hold two swords while having seemingly just burst into a room?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @D_C_N: Kicking the door open! ;3

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Tahrey: ...and running in with the swords either in front or behind you before being brandished outwards.

Further to my comment on the other picture, this sort of action does still need to be part of it. Just not the be all and end all :)

Some stealth and slink are important.
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BadReligion: @MetalC0Mmander: It's very artificial.

She is angry and focused on one point, which mean she found her target.
With anger and swords outside she perhaps want rush on enemy, she should lean for that but she have straight back, she wanna sprint with swords? Good luck.
With swords outside and straight back mean she is self-possessed, maybe angry, but possessed, her face shows something different.

But now when I think about it, something can rush on HER, in this version I don't have maybe any comments.
Buuuuuuuut(t)... if you are in danger it is a impulse that you step back, not only a impulse, it is very useful in a fight, and her legs are straight, maybe she just stiffen surprised.

Just to show sexy Katia with swords? Maaaybe with lowered head...

@D_C_N: "Surprise motherf&%@r!"

Fine legs. ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ

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AMKitsune: Once again, your shading is spot on. The subtle differences really help define her musculature, the flow of her dress and the scene in general.
One thing that stands out to however is that her legs seems a little on the 'big' side. Not that they're overly thick or long, just proportionally larger than should normally belong to a body her size (in this picture). It may just be that it's late and I my sense of scale could be off, but I think her legs would look a little more realistically proportioned if they were shrunk down a little bit.

I don't know. Again, this is only an opinion (and a tired, late night one at that). Make of it what you will.
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MetalC0Mmander: Then again they are cat legs so... Are they longer? I don't know.

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Radian: @AMKitsune: Thanks! Constructive critique is always welcome. I think legs may be visually bigger than really are because neckline is pretty close to loins (I hope i used correct terms). Also pretty big hips (my little fetish) enlarge that effect. But you right, legs a little too big and if slightly shrink them figure will be more realistic. I think you shrunk legs too much so I make another version.

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Tahrey: The effect on the background would be easier to correct if you moved her head and body down, rather than feet up, on shortening the legs...

No reason why she can't have a wide stance, though. I've heard it's good for swordfighting after all.


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Tahrey: BTW don't forget she's digitigrade here, that's worth about a whole head with sufficiently large (ie feline/canine...) feets... so legs may end up looking disproportionately large if the character is otherwise adapted to plantigrade locomotion but is standing that way for effect or w/e

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AMKitsune: @Radian: Yep, your version's much better :D

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Tahrey: ...oh wait, you already did it when I wrote that :D
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BadReligion: I just imagined Katia doing these combos, just wow.

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Totally_not_a_furry: This is exactly what it would look like