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Arcsome: I was playing to much god of war with my brother and I had a vision. So I drew a quick sketch. Hope you guys like it. Lol I'm sorry I've been acting silly lately.

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Radian: This is remind me Scorpion from MK. But it's harder to "get" someone with pineapple.

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Geravind: Yo-yo-ality!
Flawless victory! =^_^=

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CaptainLackwit: @Radian: You just gotta' wait 'til they're doin' a high kick, then fire..!

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Arcsome: @Radian: remember that it's not the weapon that matters it's how you use it. Lol

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Arcsome: Hey does anybody know why someone tagged this as CHIM. What does that mean.

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Kazerad: @Radian: well, the spikes ARE in the right direction for it. The hard part is just the initial puncture.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Kazerad: I'm fairly certain a pineapple pike won't penetrate Steel, or any metal, unless it's mercury, let alone Kevlar, or any polymer fabric...

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AMKitsune: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: That's clearly because you're not thinking like a witch-hunter. The pineapple doesn't penetrate the armour, the armour opens up to make a small hole for the pineapple to pass through. It's common knowledge that practically all armour is partial to sweet, tropical flavours. On the other hand, most pieces of armour greatly dislike the earthy flavours of things like other metals and flints. That's why they protect so well against them.

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Arcsome: Pineapples can melt diamond
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TemporaryFace: @Arcsome: It means Katia is becoming a god.
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MetalC0Mmander: @AMKitsune: Alright so how do you know the armor's desires and how come it's the same for all of them? Personally I think you're just prejudiced against armor.

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Tahrey: Cut Him Into Morsels. It's a cannibal cultist codeword.

Also when you flail a pineapple fast enough, the yo-yo string cuts like monofilament.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Anyways, in all seriousness, I find this incredibly adorable, especially Katia's little snoot! :3 good job, my friend.

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Arcsome: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: the most adorable thing is when you comment because your little icon is the terminator and it makes me laugh because it's like watching the terminator "awwing" at katia.

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AMKitsune: @MetalC0Mmander: I happen to know a few pieces of armour and they tell me it's a cultural thing.

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Tahrey: I thought it was because of the bromelain enzymes.

Also all the little icons have disappeared for me :(