Skoon: Oh deary me, Katia Managan, the khajiit character with attractive feminine features whos sometimes overt sexuality has played an integral role in her development, has pornographic material drawn of her.
MetalC0Mmander: @MetalC0Mmander: Ok it isn't fair to link this picture to Undertale without giving some context and just go ahead and delete that comment. Fuck this is the kind of subject I usually try to avoid but there I go putting myself straight in the middle of it.
Anyway what I'm trying to say is that as long as a picture, a fictional character or something like that isn't used to promote something wrong the only person that should have any regard as to what it is should be it's creator. In the case of Katia it would be Karezad (even though it's arguable in what context someone can claim to own a character) and I assume (since I don't know if he's actually said anything about it) his position is that he doesn't really care as long as he doesn't know about it (although I agree that it's pretty hard to keep something private on the internet).
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @MetalC0Mmander: I agree, but this is the internet, people make sick stuff all the time, and Katia wasn't an exception. Shit makes me uncomfortable knowing it exists.
Daniel: I have to agree with Skoon. The sexuality is a central element in the story and it's fair to say beast race characters receive a lot more attention in the narrative than humans and elves. This is definitely intentional and it's unlikely Kazerad would dedicate soo much time to this hobby if he wasn't into it.
The story isn't pornographic, but let's not pretend the fans' reaction comes from nowhere.
Kazerad: @Skoon: Skoon! Play nice with the other people. I know the mods are watching these image comments and waiting for you guys to start fighting. We can't let the mods get what they want.
TemporaryFace: My biggest problem with dirty pictures of Katia is that they seem to regress her character. She's trying to get AWAY from being a slut. She's trying to STOP being a sexy piece of meat. She's trying to improve her life, and it feels weirdly dissonant to see people celebrating that part of her being she hates the most.
MikeyTheFox: Ok, ok ladies! Break it up! We all know the art FP does. If you like it or not, that's fine. No need to bicker about your imaginary Khajiit waifu and how people should or shouldn't draw her.
AMKitsune: Ok, I feel that this comment thread's reached the point where this needs saying.
Different people make all sorts of fanart aimed at different audiences. Bare in mind that we're talking about a fictional character here. If seeing fanart that conflicts with your own morals angers or upsets you, you need to be the bigger person and move along to something that you do enjoy. However, if the mere existence of such images offends you in some way, you seriously need to reconsider how you view the world and how you spend your time online because to lesser and greater extents, there will always be people creating content that you don't agree with and there's nothing that can be done about it. For the most part, it's the individual users responsibility to 'shield themselves' from content that they can't deal with.
Luckily, this booru has a strict rule stating 'no sexually explicit material'. Many other sites have no such rule and that's entirely up to the discretion of the site owners.
Just to be clear, there are people who love porn in all its forms, those who'd wish it all gone from the world and those who are mostly indifferent to it. No group is inherently 'right' in its view just as no group is 'wrong'. These are simply views and opinions that people have that don't really effect anyone else. Issues only tend to arise when a person from one group has a go at someone else from another group for not sharing their views.
Many people find Katia Managan sexually attractive. That is a simple fact that, regardless of personal opinion, cannot be dismissed.
Many other people see Katia Managan as more of a 'family member' or vulnerable person to be protected. That also, is a fact that can't be dismissed.
These are two completely polarised view points which, if we were talking about a real person here, would understandably lead to conflict. As it is though, this is all about a fictional cartoon character on the internet.
Look, I understand that some people feel really strongly about this and feel the need to vocalise their position, but for the simple sake to reducing needless conflict in these comments, can we all try to not argue over such an ultimately pointless difference of opinion?
I'm aware that there's been some discussion as to whether this comment thread should be 'cleaned up' or not to remove the argumentative comments. Personally, that's not a decision that I'd make as I don't believe that a site should have to remove comments to give the impression of an open minded and accepting community. I'd hope that its users would be able to bet along without having to refer to others as "sick fucks".
We actually have a tag for this sort of thing now. A tag! "controversial". We shouldn't need a tag for images that have comment threads like this.
Look, there will almost certainly continue to be pictures uploaded here in the future that'll divide opinions. Discussing them is fine. Can we please try to do it a little more open mindedly and a little less argumentatively?
Thank you.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @CaptainLackwit: It's a very diverse place those who;
1. Want to sex that cat
2. Don't want to sex that cat
3. Want to hug the cat
4. Want to marry the cat :v?
5. All or none of the above.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @AMKitsune: It's not that I don't find her attractive, I find her very attractive, but there is more than just physical feelings for her.
MetalC0Mmander: I just realised that it might be smart for me to precise that I've been mostly speaking about questionable content in general and not really about pornography. Because speaking about that would open up a whole lot of different points and subjects that I really don't feel like talkng about.
katiaaitak: It doesn't matter if you like Katia porn or not, there's one thing that most of us can agree on: enjoying pornography of an animated cat is sorta strange. If you do, that's fine, there are over 7 billion people on this planet and at least 1 is bound to like this sort of thing.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @katiaaitak: Again, it's not the fact there is porn of her, its the genres people create. There just seems to be an abundance of rather, not really nice things.
Tahrey: 6. Before sexing the box, place it on a firm surface
7. If you have trouble sexing the box, please refer to the included instructions
8. Sex the box to your own satisfaction.
9. After sexing the box, you may feel a strange sense of guilt. This is normal, and we have trained telephone councellors standing by for your call.
10. Thank you for shopping at Ikea.
Tahrey: also, katiaaitak: Don't whatever you do search for "fritz the cat" or "nekomusume hentai" or anything like that. Your poor little head will explode.
Also, I ended up looking through some of my (depressingly very-)old Manga magazines the other day for some piece of art I referenced in a school project in order to give someone an idea of what I was on about (clean, I tells ya! totally clean!), and it re-introduced me to the joys of Shirow. Particularly, and most relevant to this discussion, Dominion Tank Police.
SameButDifferent: I'm new as all hell but from this PoV you shouldn't flush the comments, it gives this booru a bit more "history", if that makes any sense. I like reading through the things that have happened.
Regarding the controversy (which this isn't, really), this site is censored enough. To complain about smut is kinda non-purposeful. By the by, the final panel is Filthy Frank, who is literally one of the most disgusting, controversial YouTube channels that haven't been taken down yet.
the comic made me laugh really hard by the way. The irony of having Filthy fuckin Frank to tell you to stop was hilarius
Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible
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FP should do more art!
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No seriously fuck Undertale and if I ever buy that game I'm gonna murder every single one of these fuckers on principles!
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Anyway what I'm trying to say is that as long as a picture, a fictional character or something like that isn't used to promote something wrong the only person that should have any regard as to what it is should be it's creator. In the case of Katia it would be Karezad (even though it's arguable in what context someone can claim to own a character) and I assume (since I don't know if he's actually said anything about it) his position is that he doesn't really care as long as he doesn't know about it (although I agree that it's pretty hard to keep something private on the internet).
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I used to think that many of foreigners were iascivious,I apologize.I wish all of you are honest.
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The story isn't pornographic, but let's not pretend the fans' reaction comes from nowhere.
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Pretty chill guy.
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Different people make all sorts of fanart aimed at different audiences. Bare in mind that we're talking about a fictional character here. If seeing fanart that conflicts with your own morals angers or upsets you, you need to be the bigger person and move along to something that you do enjoy. However, if the mere existence of such images offends you in some way, you seriously need to reconsider how you view the world and how you spend your time online because to lesser and greater extents, there will always be people creating content that you don't agree with and there's nothing that can be done about it. For the most part, it's the individual users responsibility to 'shield themselves' from content that they can't deal with.
Luckily, this booru has a strict rule stating 'no sexually explicit material'. Many other sites have no such rule and that's entirely up to the discretion of the site owners.
Just to be clear, there are people who love porn in all its forms, those who'd wish it all gone from the world and those who are mostly indifferent to it. No group is inherently 'right' in its view just as no group is 'wrong'. These are simply views and opinions that people have that don't really effect anyone else. Issues only tend to arise when a person from one group has a go at someone else from another group for not sharing their views.
Many people find Katia Managan sexually attractive. That is a simple fact that, regardless of personal opinion, cannot be dismissed.
Many other people see Katia Managan as more of a 'family member' or vulnerable person to be protected. That also, is a fact that can't be dismissed.
These are two completely polarised view points which, if we were talking about a real person here, would understandably lead to conflict. As it is though, this is all about a fictional cartoon character on the internet.
Look, I understand that some people feel really strongly about this and feel the need to vocalise their position, but for the simple sake to reducing needless conflict in these comments, can we all try to not argue over such an ultimately pointless difference of opinion?
I'm aware that there's been some discussion as to whether this comment thread should be 'cleaned up' or not to remove the argumentative comments. Personally, that's not a decision that I'd make as I don't believe that a site should have to remove comments to give the impression of an open minded and accepting community. I'd hope that its users would be able to bet along without having to refer to others as "sick fucks".
We actually have a tag for this sort of thing now. A tag! "controversial". We shouldn't need a tag for images that have comment threads like this.
Look, there will almost certainly continue to be pictures uploaded here in the future that'll divide opinions. Discussing them is fine. Can we please try to do it a little more open mindedly and a little less argumentatively?
Thank you.
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1. Want to sex that cat
2. Don't want to sex that cat
3. Want to hug the cat
4. Want to marry the cat :v?
5. All or none of the above.
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I found it to be rather funny. Well done.
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7. If you have trouble sexing the box, please refer to the included instructions
8. Sex the box to your own satisfaction.
9. After sexing the box, you may feel a strange sense of guilt. This is normal, and we have trained telephone councellors standing by for your call.
10. Thank you for shopping at Ikea.
- Reply
Also, I ended up looking through some of my (depressingly very-)old Manga magazines the other day for some piece of art I referenced in a school project in order to give someone an idea of what I was on about (clean, I tells ya! totally clean!), and it re-introduced me to the joys of Shirow. Particularly, and most relevant to this discussion, Dominion Tank Police.
Annapuma and Unipuma ... rrrrrrow...
Regarding the controversy (which this isn't, really), this site is censored enough. To complain about smut is kinda non-purposeful. By the by, the final panel is Filthy Frank, who is literally one of the most disgusting, controversial YouTube channels that haven't been taken down yet.
the comic made me laugh really hard by the way. The irony of having Filthy fuckin Frank to tell you to stop was hilarius
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also by filthypaladin: A Choose Your Own Adventure Smut Story.