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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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compaqness: Just thought I'd messily put together a friendly little nudge and hopefully lighten the mood after recent events :p
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TemporaryFace: Good grief. What even was that argument?

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compaqness: There seemed to have been a dispute over some tags on a couple of images and things got a bit out of hand... But it looks like things have been settled at least!

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Kazerad: This is beautiful.

I didn't follow the whole conflict over whether or not that Rajirra image should be labeled "questionable", but I can appreciate the fact that people were writing paragraphs and paragraphs of text analyzing how questionable cat boobs are.
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TemporaryFace: @Kazerad: Humans are weird as fuck.

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Filthypaladin: Now, let us discuss: Lizard Tit
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SameButDifferent: @FilthyPaladin Serious answer: Probably no need to put the Pineapple into effect if those cold blooded lumps are exposed but not in a provocative manner. You know, with the whole "lack of nip" and everything.

Non serious answer: You'll need to draw a detailed analysis of the do's and dont's of Lizard Tit in order for me to understand the lesson, teacher.

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Geravind: At last someone made something about that endless shit.

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Tahrey: Lel :D

Anyway, we did agree to drop it, and leave things as they were.

(Which is fine by me, given that it leaves "Kids-TV-safe, Looney Tunes level japery" as non-questionable, and "Semirealistic naked depictions of characters that are usually clothed and cartoonish" as questionable ;)

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Tahrey: Oh, and Lizard Boobs, not sure. Already had a more civil back-and-forth about it on the Disqus IIRC and didn't come to any firm conclusion.

On the one hand they may just be muscle and fat covered bony protrusions in the thorax, so technically SFW (even if your boss doesn't think so)

On the other, maybe fat stores used for making egg yolk. Which makes it maybe-maybe not

On the turning hand, may actually be like Human Boobs and therefore Questionableable.

...now I write it out, I guess the balance of judgement is towards "stick a pineapple on it".

tl;dr It's probably safest to go with "if Kaz pixelated it in the comic, it needs a pineapple on the booru". Sing it with me now...

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Filthypaladin: @SameButDifferent: >Do Lizard tit

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Adroma: Well, as it is in other countries, boobs are okay if not presented in a sexual manner. I found this very funny. I love playfully rebellious art that presents controversy.

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Pepsidude: Awesome :o

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Tahrey: > in other countries

Well, as it's a site made and curated by an American, we should probably assume American publication standards.

And, in any case, it's the internet. When publishing you should assume the most stringent widespread standards need apply, and when browsing you should assume the most lax.