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damrok4321: I would play :P

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notabigthreat: ASOTIL should also replace the power's exhaustion, so that's a pseudo Coldarra Drake. Might not hypothetically become a common choice in deck building, though the combos possible are powerful. Gharug is insane value with enough luck, and very probably overpowered. At least that's one more occasion to burn your Reno. The other two cards, especially Sigrid, seem hard to rate reliably. I believe them to be strong.

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Vidiotdragon: Nerd Alert: I have to agree that ASTOIL doesn't work becuase inspire requires you to use the ability power... so if its already fire blast, it becomes fire blast again? I kind of feel like he should do something close to Sap since you know.. Arrest.

As for Gro-Upp, I think he should have immunity to hero powers/targeted spells and maybe a "draw a luck card" or something like that. I'm not sure where the weapon fits in. Sigrid should probably read "4 or less Attack" as that's what cards of similar fashion say.

Think like a Witchhunter costs a bit too much considering the closest card to it is only 3 for 2 cards.

Okay I'm done! :P

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notabigthreat: 1) It becomes a fresh Fireblast.
2) Right, Gharug isn't directly derived from the comic. Though maybe it's something with throwing swords through walls?
3) Health, it's much easier to synergize with, especially for mages. An instant-damage-dealing card (abundant) plus Sigrid make a great one turn combo.
4) Think... really should not cost below 5. Compare it to Nourish: three card draw with an additional advantage. That is, an information gain.

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Tahrey: Yeah, I was wondering about the "destroy weapon" bit. Does any part of the game rely on modfiable chance rolls or the like?

Asotil could be one of those cards that is either a great help (if you have an attack that is inferior to fireblast and/or you need a recharge - though actually the latter would be a non-canon thing), or no use at all (if you already have that or a better attack, and are fully charged).

Like, you might not deliberately add him to an opening hand, but there's nothing to say he wouldn't be part of the random-draw pile, and then appear either just as you need him (eg after your opponent has done something to nerf your main attack), or exactly when he's not needed (just as you've built up to maximum asskicking strength independently of him) and ends up just sticking around for ages until you can dump the card with little/no cost.
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Streetwind: @notabigthreat -

The value of Nourish as a 3 card-draw for 5 mana does not simply come from placing three cards into your hand. For starters, there is a difference between putting cards into your hand, and actually drawing them from your deck. Both give you cards to play, but only the act of drawing is considered acceleration (putting your key combo into your hand faster). Additionally, Nourish can also be played as a ramp, and the rule of the thumb is that combining multiple cards into a single card makes their effects worth more.

The effect on Think Like A Witchhunter is interesting though. It can give you your opponent's key cards, but it can also give you dead weight. Mind Vision generally works because you cast it on turn 1, right after the mulligan, where your opponent fished for good cards. A 5-mana cardsteal (not draw) meanwhile is slow as molasses. Thoughsteal can be played when the priest would usually pass, in turn 2 or 3, but by turn 5 the endgame is approaching and you need to be able to answer your opponent reliably unless you want to surrender the board. Perhaps if you have Lightbomb on hand already for turn 6, you would play this and hope your opponent overextends right into your impending boardclear... Otherwise you're at your opponent's mercy to give you time to cast it.

Yeah, very intriduing. I can't really rate it off hand.

As for the other cards, Gharug is okay, I guess... if you manage to get him out together with, say, an Ogre Warmaul. Four cards drawn for 3 extra mana, that weighs up his stat deficiency. And control warriors love card draw. Death's Bite is also a possible sacrifice, since you play Death's Bite partly for its own deathrattle in the first place.

Sigrid is quite decent. Shadow Madness sees play at 4 mana, and this card gives you a 4-2 body on top of it, while the mage can actively influence what targets are eligible. Also compare Cabal Shadowpriest, which also sees active play at 6 mana, 4/5, permanent steal with limited ability to influence the eligibility (via Shrinkmeister) but a narrower target field overall. Sigrid's not the stongest legendary in the game, but likely the strongest card among these four.

ASOTIL is... really strange. The effect may be too weird and synergize too little with other Paladin cards to be playable. And compared to Silver Hand Regent, he struggles to keep up. You'd have to push your hero power button at least twice every turn to make him worth having, which makes him an endgame card... that has three health and will be cleared almost instantly. And Silver Hand Regent isn't even played in Constructed, despite heavy synergy with things like Quartermaster and Muster For Battle. Overall, likely the weakest card among these four.

(And honestly, my headcanon card effect for ASOTIL would be "Katia Managan is immune", combined with a Katia Managan card that has a nice effect and/or stats but a Battlecry to deal heavy damage to herself, a bit like a less fortunate Injured Blademaster. =P That makes ASOTIL into Katia's personal protector, much like he is in the story, and requires opponents to get through him first... as well as greatly increasing Katia's own value if you summon her while he is on the board already, as that blocks the Battlecry.)

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notabigthreat: @Streetwind: Your text of words is amazing and I agree up to the last paragraph. Katia is the "you" throughout most of the story, so she would not make a good minion.

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Tahrey: So we're not taking the role of an independent, all-controlling overlord that isn't directly part of the story?

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Vidiotdragon: Maybe make ASOTIL a spell card.
"Arrest* one enemy creature.
*arresting a creature removes it from the battlefield and places it in your hand, it can be played for 0 mana and returns to your opponents side"