Submit images and feed on the tears of mortal cats.


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Uploader POMA,
Tags artist:POMA casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave Marksman
Source Unknown
Locked No

Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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POMA: Im burnt out, just wanted to finish this asap so pretend the bow isn't just 4 lines. Maybe ill fix it later.

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Geravind: QW ограбили во сне? -- Юбку из-за цвета просто не заметили, а лук, похоже, призванный (мудрая ящерка).
Нобигающая с заднего плана волна может убить только одним своим видом. Самый задний план должен быть более размытым (сам ещё так не рисовал, но поумничать Кхаджит всегда горазд =^_^=).
На чешуйчатые титьки посмотрел в самую последнюю очередь -- сейчас продолжатся холивары "квестианабле/не квестианабле", тьфу...
"В аргонианке должно быть всё прекрасно: и тело, и душа, и прицел..." -- у тебя получилось.
Вообще красотенька, молодец!

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OppoQuinn: Are topless Argonians questionable? I know she's not flat-chested like Morrowind Argonians, but she still doesn't technically have "breasts".

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notabigthreat: don't even start this again

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Cryptid10: @notabigthreat: Agreed.

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POMA: It was supposed to be 1st april rework of gharug highwayworking katia out but I started to do it too late so it ended up cut to single highwaywoman.

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Tahrey: Never knew we'd end up testing the mods' opinion on Uncovered Lizard Boobs quite so soon after the previous debacle...

I really can't decide either way myself, as I figure without any direct connection to the outside they're no more "offensive" than regular boobs underneath some kind of leather or scale armour, or other areas of stored fat under the skin.

Buuuuuuut Kaz pixelates them in the main comic, and as I was thinking that would work as a justifiable benchmark for what should/shouldn't be marked questionable, it probably needs the sticker. Yknow. Just to err on the side of safety. "Anything that's not displayable on the front page of the site should get a nsfw on the booru", pretty much.

(again, it's not like it restricts access or anything like that, it just hides potentially "offensive" (-sigh-) details from the thumbnail list, and warns the more timid clicker that they might want to steer clear)

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Tahrey: Besides all that, I like this a lot :) Very nicely drawn and shaded - even though, as you admit it's obviously a 95% done WIP... Fix the bow, make that hand a little larger (and delete a finger on each ^_^), maybe make a version with a shirt to keep both sides of the boob-war happy, and it's all gravy.

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Tahrey: Wait, POMA ... have you reported your own picture... twice? :D
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-Uzi_Man-: Considering that Kazerad drew a topless Dodger in the last side story, this pic meets the safe standards more than enough.
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TemporaryFace: It seems to me the more appropriate de facto would be to question something than to leave it unquestioned. Err on the side of prudence and all that.

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Tahrey: oh god not again.

Also, U_M, he drew her with her breasts pixelated. As seen in the parody painting image from a week or two back.

kind of the entire point of what I was saying if you'd bothered to pay attention

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Tahrey: Actually, cancel that. I've gone back and checked now...

This frame:

...is actually followed by one where the pixelation is removed following the gang boss noting that she's a reptile and therefore there's nothing really sexual about her chest. IE it's basically a bit like a human wearing an alligator-skin shirt.

So, in that case, carry on.

(However, my point still stands about the other stuff being pixelated - Kat was still censored until she applied the paint, etc... and QW PD was at least censored at first until that point was cleared up in story. So care still needs to be taken.)

((I'm not touching the bit about her apparently being "about 15", btw. You can fight amongst yourselves over that, and whether age, and particularly the difference between being adult and being underage, would make a difference between QW potentially being censored even though PD ultimately wasn't))

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bluedraggy: Best definition available of what is questionable:
1 - Do mods mark it as questionable?
If true, it's questionable.
If false, it's not questionable.
Problem solved! Tadaaa!

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Kazerad: @bluedraggy: one of them made a mod chatroom at some point where basically all they do is argue about nippleless breasts.
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-Uzi_Man-: @bluedraggy: No, that's oligarchy. What if a mod marks something as questionable but nobody else thinks it is? It wouldn't be fair, so it's better to leave the tagging to the whole community.

The problem is that the concept of "questionable" is ambiguous as hell because everyone is going to have different understandings of it and how it applies to different pics. That's why there should be a better, clearer, more concrete definition / rule about questionability so that there's no room for ambiguity or "muh opinions".

I know that this entire topic is so utterly unimportant that it literally hurts the soul to argue about it, but if we leave it unsolved, it's going to bring up even more arguments in the long run, and nobody wants that.

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Geravind: @Kazerad: It's a very important part of their duties...

*sarcasm mode enabled*
- Son, what are you doing on that weird website so long?
- Don't interrupt, mom, we're discussing acceptability of nippleless breasts on the fanartbooru.
- Oh, sorry, -- that's very important for whole humankind, carry on.
*sarcasm mode disabled*

God, save this fucking world.

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Tahrey: bluedraggy: Works for me. At least then we can join forces to bitch at the mods instead of fighting with each other.

Kaz, Gera: Lol, internet. Were any of them (n)-chan mods in ages past?
Also, the internet is fuelled by stupid arguments and flamewars, they create the high pressure hot air that keeps it from collapsing in on itself. Without them it would self destruct within a matter of hours.

Were either of you around back in the days when Usenet / Newsgroups (as opposed to web-based fora) were a major part of the internet experience? Because, man, the pointless flaming that went on there... the bills that were racked up on charged-by-the-minute modem connections that you forgot to disconnect whilst writing your replies... oi vey.

Uzi_Man: I know you're probably after making things fairer and more democratic over all, but this isn't a democracy, I'm afraid. Most webforums aren't. You're always at the whim of the board owner and their appointed moderators. Deal with it.

The rules can sometimes be open to change if a great enough proportion of the userbase think they're drastically unfair and start petitioning for their alteration en masse, or there's a suggestion box that gets a continual trickle of "it might be a good idea if..." submissions from different people, or everyone just starts leaving... but, I think you're probably out on your own with the changes you wanted made.

Feel free to mooch on over to 8chan and set up a board there though ... in fact, it might even be a good thing to have a semioffical outlet for more... adult... Prequel fanarts that isn't hardlinked to this one ;) - then no-one can reasonably complain about their stuff being rejected, or slapped with an NSFW warning they think is unfair, because they can always be directed to that board instead via a PM or something.
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-Uzi_Man-: Democracy isn't such a big deal in this case: just let the community as a whole do the tagging and it's all done. The only thing that needs to be re-defined is the questionability standards, so that they're more concrete and specific rather than merely "using our discretion", because that leaves it very open to interpretation. It would be helpful to establish a basis to which we can refer to when tagging pictures, unless you think that people enjoy arguing about these things, which so far has been shown to be quite the contrary.

The rules aren't "unfair", they simply could be done better in order to avoid unnecessary arguments. I'm just making the suggestion, and if people want to argue endlessly about the questionability of all the pics that are about to come in the future, then why bother, but it would be pretty fucking stupid to not prefer a one-time immediate solution that will help us put an end to these discussions.

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Tahrey: That already happens anyway, anyone who's logged in can tag or untag an image. But presumably the mods are able to set/unset and lock certain tags, and warn/ban anyone who's abusing it.

But yeah, straight rules would be good. Can someone bring up the illustrated posting guide (and maybe the tagging one) for us again, to show whether or not they already exist?

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Adroma: Don't mind me just going hunting shirtless.

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Tahrey: #justamazonthings