Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.


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BadReligion: Longer I'm looking at it then more disquieting it becomes. .__.

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Geravind: It's... uh... strange, it's very strange.
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SameButDifferent: I like the little puff near her cleavage.

I never thought I'd say something so creepy.

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angrybacteria: I like it, but I don't quite "get it".

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POMA: The pose is so weird, I can't say if she's stying or sitting.
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Riddle78: Little Katia's head on Adult Katia's body,in skimpy underwear,on a bed,all on top of a decidedly creepy background... Yup,we've stepped into the creepyzone.

Talk about cultivating a creepy atmosphere. Bravo!

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damrok4321: nicely done!

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Tahrey: I don't think it was only booze in that last drink :(

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Tahrey: not sure how it ended up being tagged, though. is someone just trying to make a point, or is there some actual guideline on it that this triggered?

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Skoon: I like it!

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Tahrey: Also what's all that black stuff leaking out of the bed
And how can her ankles bend that way

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Tahrey: Cat like reflexes... ankle flexes?

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Tahrey: Cat Ankles aren't THAT different from human... (just in non-anthro models, they're a bit further up the leg)

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Kotokopter: This is weird...

I like it.