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The-Chaotic-Traveler: wow...

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Vidiotdragon: I had a cat deck in MtG for a while. Its not viable in standard though.
I tried making one in Hearthstone but there's not enough.

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Shouldn't wild hunt replace the minions with some sort o f monster card too?

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notabigthreat: http://imgur.com/uf4utnM
Now the neCRomancer looses only slightly to Gharug.
And somebody please replace the image I guess?
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Streetwind: I thought Cat Expert was fine at 3/6 with its effect... I mean, Fen Creeper is a 3/6 taunt for 5, and it's being played in Arena. Okay, not in Constructed, but that's largely because taunts matter less there.

For Cat Expert to have an additional effect, even as little as summoning one 1/1 Beast token, without increasing the card cost already makes it fine for a class card. As a Hunter, the Beast tribe of the token enables other class cards like Ram Wrangler, Hound Master and Kill Command. And with 6 health, you are likely to get more than one token, if the opponent doesn't decide to burn hard removal on it.

A 4/6 taunt for 5 that spawns tokens with Charge is too much IMHO. Unless you specifically want a card that's really high above the curve. Blizzard occasionally does release those even though they should know better... (Hello Dr. Boom). Also compare Imp Gang Boss: a 2/4 class card for 3 that spawns 1/1 tokens without charge. Ostensibly that is a statline comparable to 4/6 for 5, but it's missing the taunt. Having taunt always results in reduced stats, except for 1-cost minions. The higher health you go, the more stats you lose to taunt. So, a 6-health taunt minion having a statline comparable to a non-taunt minion with a strictly worse effect, which is still considered a must-play for a lot of decks, is really a red flag balance-wise.

Wild Hunt needs more help, IMHO. It's a strictly worse Feign Death, since it triggers your opponent's rattles as well (and they'll be positive for him in 9 out of 10 cases). And Feign Death costs only 2 mana, not 3, while still not seeing much play outside gimmick decks.

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notabigthreat: Fen Creeper is a truly awful card in constructed.
Given the hunter class, we can already assume it's not arena.
Exploiting the Charge would require attacking minions anyway, which is an activity foreign to hunters. Subtracting one attack should do the trick.

Wild Hunt might be a bit weak though, even with that Ancestral Spirit.
Another change then. http://imgur.com/9mptYjT

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notabigthreat: I BESEECH AN ADMIN (is this how it works? any declaration of beseechment to sign? to sign with what then?)

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AMKitsune: @notabigthreat: Admin beseeched. What can I do ya for?

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notabigthreat: Observably, the image is one behind what I write in its comments, so have this picture of booru behaving all normal. http://imgur.com/OeLHcvY

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notabigthreat: How many administrators does it take to choose the right link? Argh why can't we even change the images ourselves

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Kazerad: @notabigthreat: I don't usually moderate, but I'll try! Did I pick the right link?

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notabigthreat: Please, be careful in future. We don't need more INES sevens.

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AMKitsune: @notabigthreat: There. Hopefully that's the right one this time. In the future, you'd be better of using the 'report image' button to request a replacement (as we're far more likely to see a flagged image than a URL in a potential wall of text). As far as replacing your own images goes, this is a booru and just like other boorus, it's built for uploading images and commenting on them. Not much more than that. That's the role of 'social art sites' like Deviantart and Furaffinity.

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notabigthreat: Alright, I've learned my lesson that reporting is preferred in such situations, and ironic moderation does not necessarily mean someone swapped our graphite for a transition metal.