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Uploader Makkon,
Tags artist:Makkon character:Katia_Managan looking_badass machete magic_fire Official_Badass text
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Makkon: Not a contest, only a challenge. Only rule is that her primary attribute is badassery or at least competency. Also clothed.
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TemporaryFace: I suppose the 'Official_Badass' tag will be used for subsequent entries to this challenge?

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tronn: Would it be okay if I drew her with a good ass instead?
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SameButDifferent: @tronn as long as it isnt an ugly ass

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Vidiotdragon: Barbarian Bike-shorts. The best kind of bike-shorts.

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Makkon: @tronn Kickass is also acceptable.

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Arcsome: I accept this challenge. I will make Katia bad ass...or something close to it. We shall see, haven't posted much art in here for a while so I'll think of something. :)

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Makkon: @Arcsome: You've got a few pieces that already fit the bill, looking forward to your entry!

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Geravind: Khajiit noticed, that the lower parts of her legs are a bit disproportional to the rest of her body (even without the fluffy boots). Either her torso is too narrow or leg-hip joint-points are too far from each other. Khajiit is innocent of this crime.
This one greatly appreciates her badassery level here. =^_^=

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Makkon: @Geravind: Yeah, I see it. I've addressed this in later drawings. Thanks :)

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Nasi: Even when you say Katia is high level and badass I still worry for her when she holds a sharp weapon... ._.""

PS:(Btw Makkon you are amazing! Love your tumblr how you draw faces, bodies, armor... Well yeah, everything <3 Also for some reason it really inspires me when person with such great skill enjoy a small fandom like prequel?.. It like reminds me that noone has to draw tons of popular shit to be awesome because it's not only about what people want you to draw but what you want to draw and how you do it? Sorry for many words.)